Glossary entry

German term or phrase:


English translation:

get nowhere position (I-U-)

Added to glossary by Sheila Hardie
Jun 2, 2002 09:12
22 yrs ago
German term


German to English Other transactional analysis and other invented words
Werthaltungen & Beziehungspositionen

Ich bin o.K.!
Du bist nicht o.K.!

übersichere Position....

Ich bin nicht o.K.!
Du bist nicht o.K.!


Wir sind beide wertlos

This is a text discussing value systems and transactional analysis. I am not sure how to translate Unwertposition. Could it be 'negativity position' or 'disvalue position'?

TIA for any ideas,


Discussion Jun 2, 2002:
negativity value position I meant so say could this be 'negativity VALUE position'?

Proposed translations

3 hrs

I-U- life position

This is how it is generally used within TA.
If you want it more descriptive, I'd opt for "negative life position", which is basically what it means.

Hope this helps

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks to everyone for their answers - they are all great. However, this one fits my context perfectly, as it is all about TA. Many thanks for the information about the OK Corral in the answer to my question about Gleichwertposition - I checked it out and think the term most commonly used in the TA jargon for this one is "get nowhere position" or, as you say, (I-U-). Who would have guessed! Sheila"
51 mins

Not sure

But may be a position not a value assigned
May be :not-assigned
or a free position
(I think negligible is not possible )
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1 hr

inferiority position

just a try! Note that Unwertposition and Gleichwertposition do not appear in Google, neither in Medline, which covers a lot of psychology papers; will be dificult to be sure then.

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1 hr

devalued position

Or de-valued. I don´t think "negative" and its relatives are quite right - this is the absence of value rather than a negative value - "we are both worthless".

I also would not favour "inferior" here, because it implies a comparison in which one side is better, but I don´t think that is the case here, it is even valueless-ness.
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1 hr

position of underconfidence

might be an alternative.

Note added at 2002-06-02 10:55:22 (GMT)

Note added at 2002-06-02 11:03:16 (GMT)

in view of the fact that both are equally underconfident, probably better: \"position of unconfidence\"
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1 hr

position of insecurity

Since the this term is the opposite of "overconfident", it ought to be something like "insecurity". From the context, "hypercritical position" or "self-denigrating position" would work, too.
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