Glossary entry

German term or phrase:

sachlich korrekt

Italian translation:

competente e corretto, formalmente corretto

Added to glossary by Sabina Moscatelli
May 24, 2005 06:48
19 yrs ago
German term

sachlich korrekt

Non-PRO German to Italian Other Business/Commerce (general)
Nella frase:

-CCA ist verantwortlich für die termingerechte und sachlich korrekte Abwicklung der vom Call Center eingehenden SAP Trouble-Tickets.

come si può rendere "sachlich korrekte Abwicklung"... è quel sachlich che mi poni probelmi...

Proposed translations (Italian)
4 gestione obiettivamente

Proposed translations

4 mins

gestione obiettivamente

oppure: per la corretta e competente
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "ti ringrazio molto"
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