Feb 13, 2003 08:23
21 yrs ago
Hebrew term


Non-PRO Hebrew to English Other
used in a TV program - think it means breast but want to confirm
Proposed translations (English)
5 +6 No such word, but shad means breast.

Proposed translations

21 mins

No such word, but shad means breast.

Shadigm is not a word, at least not in Hebrew. Breast in Hebrew is shad, and breasts are shaDAyim, with the stress on the second syllable. Perhaps that's the word that was used. The spelling is as follows -
shad - שד
shadayim - שדיים
Peer comment(s):

agree nomico
4 hrs
agree snatalieg
4 hrs
Thanks Natalie
agree Branka Arrivé : well... "shaDIGM" rhymes with "paraDIGM":-)
6 hrs
Thanks Branka...I never thought of that :-)
agree ashi
6 hrs
Thanks Ashi
agree Suzan Chin
7 hrs
Thanks Suzan
agree Y Kinory (X) : Curiosity killed the moggie, Phil - but I know where you are coming from ;-)
3 days 16 hrs
Thanks and LOL :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Sue. Curiosity satisfied - Phil"
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