Feb 25, 2013 04:40
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Indonesian term
Di dalam masyarakat yang adil timbulnya keadilan tidak pernah akan dijinkan,...
Indonesian to English
Social Sciences
political philosophy and ethics
In a Petition for Judicial Review of sections of the Press Law and the Broadcasting Law, the Petitioner refers to John Rawls "A Theory of Justice" and makes a claim that sounds very odd to me. I have perused the text of the book to which the Petitioner refers and can find nothing which resembles the supposed excerpt.
The entire sentence which has me baffled is: "Di dalam masyarakat yang adil timbulnya keadilan tidak pernah akan dijinkan, kecuali untuk menghindarkan suatu keadilan yang lebih besar."
I have tentatively translated this as "Within a fair society, the emergence of justice will never be permitted, except to avoid a greater justice." However, the notion troubles me and I don't grasp how such an argument could support the Petitioner's claims.
Does anyone have an idea or a better way to translate this sentence?
The entire sentence which has me baffled is: "Di dalam masyarakat yang adil timbulnya keadilan tidak pernah akan dijinkan, kecuali untuk menghindarkan suatu keadilan yang lebih besar."
I have tentatively translated this as "Within a fair society, the emergence of justice will never be permitted, except to avoid a greater justice." However, the notion troubles me and I don't grasp how such an argument could support the Petitioner's claims.
Does anyone have an idea or a better way to translate this sentence?
Proposed translations
6 mins
Typo (injustice/ketidakadilan)
It should be timbulnya ketidakadilan
an injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice. Being first virtues of human activities, truth and justice are uncompromising.”
Now, that makes sense.
an injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice. Being first virtues of human activities, truth and justice are uncompromising.”
Now, that makes sense.
Note from asker:
Yes, you have confirmed my suspicion that it is a typo. What a difference! |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "I feel that the same mistake made twice indicates either a typo twice (unlikely) or a mistranslation from English."
7 hrs
Within justice people, the rising injustice will never be allowed
10 hrs
In a just society the incidence of injustice could never be allowed, except for the creation of ...
...seharusnya berbunyi "Di dalam masyarakat yang adil timbulnya ketidakadilan tidak akan pernah bisa diijinkan, kecuali untuk terciptanya suatu keadilan yang lebih besar (merata)."
Translation: "In a just society the incidence of injustice could never be allowed, except for the creation of a greater justice"
Translation: "In a just society the incidence of injustice could never be allowed, except for the creation of a greater justice"
Regi2006 might be right, although I'd say this is more likely a case of translation error than a typo. A typo might occur once, but the logic requires two instances of the word "ketidakadilan" here.
The more pertinent question, however, is as you wrote: how to translate this sentence. This being a legal document, I don't think you should try to fix the logic or improve the content. The sentence has to be translated as is, warts and all, with a caveat [sic] added at the end. It's up to the reader to make the relevant inferences from it.
Of course, if you can refer the problem back to the client to be fixed or otherwise, so much the better. That is, if your client is the original source of the document and is in the position to fix it.