Glossary entry

Italian term or phrase:

intraversamento (del veicolo)

German translation:

Querstellung (des Fahrzeugs)

Added to glossary by Petra Haag
Jun 4, 2010 09:39
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Italian term

intraversamento (del veicolo)

Italian to German Tech/Engineering Engineering (general) Unfallbericht -
sono visibili tracce di frenata con adnamento obliquo verso sinistro rispetto l'asse della carreggiata che poco prima della metà della lunghezza si sdoppiano per leggero intraversamento del veicolo...
Wie würdet ihr hier "intraversamento" übersetzen?
Lieben Dank
Proposed translations (German)
3 +2 Querstellung (des Fahrzeugs)
Change log

Jun 7, 2010 07:13: Petra Haag Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

41 mins

Querstellung (des Fahrzeugs)

verstehe ich da ...
Peer comment(s):

agree Paola Battagliarini
2 hrs
Danke Paola!
agree Konrad Schultz
1 day 1 hr
Danke Konrad!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Lieben Dank Petra und den anderen!"
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