Glossary entry

Norwegian term or phrase:


English translation:

course participation

Added to glossary by Plamen Nenchev
Feb 18, 2010 14:37
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Norwegian term


Norwegian to English Other Other Other
It has practically no context. Could that be "coursing"? I can't find any other possible meaning in Norwegian.
Change log

Feb 18, 2010 14:42: Egil Presttun changed "Language pair" from "Norwegian (Bokmal) to English" to "Norwegian to English"


Karin Berling Feb 18, 2010:
Det gjør jo ingenting - artig at vi sitter på hver vår side av Atlanteren og skriver på likt :-)
Erik Matson Feb 18, 2010:
Sorry, Karin It appears we were submitting our answers at the same time, and Karin beat me to it. While I don't dispute her answer, there were not yet submitted while I started typing my answer. ;)

The choice is yours, but I believe "kursing" (just as with "undervisning" (education) or "opplæring" (training) is being used as a noun...thus my answer.

Proposed translations

23 mins

course participation

I think you are onto something (this is definitely course related (kursrelatert), but don't use the word "coursing".

My best guess:

Although I don't think it is an actual word, it is often used in the context of course giving and training/education. You can find many hits on Google for "undervisning og kursing" (education and training).

The definition of "coursing" in English has nothing to do with education or training, so don't use that.

Another alternative to "course participation" would be simply "training".
Example sentence:

"Kursing av hørselshemmede" (Training for people with hearing disabilities).

Course participation led to increased career opportunities.

Peer comment(s):

agree Vedis Bjørndal (X) : I think "training" would be a good choice. When I see the word "kursing", I think of it as something offered to a person/group.
4 mins
agree Karin Berling : I like training too - but it would depend on the context
18 mins
agree Charlesp
5 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you!"
9 mins

Attending a course

Å kurse means to teach or to attend a course (course = kurs)

Note added at 9 mins (2010-02-18 14:47:54 GMT)

Could also mean to teach a course, depending on the context
Peer comment(s):

neutral Erik Matson : I agree for the most part, accept it might need to be a noun?!
19 mins
That might be true - it would depend on the context :-)
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