Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:

dania mączne

English translation:

flour(-based) dishes

Added to glossary by jolcia423
Dec 28, 2009 16:55
15 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Polish term

dania mączne

Polish to English Other Cooking / Culinary restaurant
Jest to pozycja w menu. thanks in advance:-)
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 flour(-based) dishes
4 farinaceous dishes

Proposed translations

4 mins

flour(-based) dishes

Peer comment(s):

agree ~Ania~
1 hr
Dziękuję bardzo, Aniu :-)
agree Agnieszka Tomeczek
2 hrs
Dzięki bardzo, Agnieszka :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: ":-)) jeszcze raz big thanks:-))"
6 mins

farinaceous dishes

'consisting or made of meal or flour; as, a farinaceous diet'
Example sentence:

A farinaceous dish refers to dishes made from pasta, noodles, rice, polenta or gnocchi.

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