Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:

marszałek województwa

English translation:

marshal of the voivod(e)ship

Added to glossary by Jacek Krankowski (X)
Jul 6, 2001 00:50
23 yrs ago
42 viewers *
Polish term

marszałek województwa

Polish to English Law/Patents

Proposed translations

11 mins

marshal of the voivodship

also: voivodeship

I am not saying this is the best solution; it comes from "Stanowisko Konwentu Marszalkow RP" dated 4.3.2000.

Hope that helps,

Peer comment(s):

disagree cquest : Speaker
6100 days
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr

Marshal of the Voivodeship

It comes from the same Stanowisko Konwentu Marszalkow published by TEPIS, but the spelling here is "Voivodeship".
Perhaps strange, but sort of official.
Hope it helps.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jacek Krankowski (X) : I do see that spelling in dictionaries but in real life "voivodship" is statistically used more often
106 days
disagree cquest : Speaker
6100 days
Something went wrong...
13 days

OR Marshal of the province

I also found:
Marshal of the province

"... The rank of this event increase a presence of invited guests. There were: the Vice-Marshal
of Opole province, Foreman of administrative district Kluczbork,, ... "

"... Economy Jerzy Widzyk, Vice-Voivode of Silesia Andrzej Gałażewski, Marshal of
Province of Silesia Jan Olbrycht and the parliamentarians of Silesia. The ... "

Voivode = Wojewoda

"... Poland, the Boychoir was ceremoniously welcomed by the Ryszard Grobelny, Mayor of
the City of Poznan, and Stefan Mikolajczak, Marshal of Wielkpolska Province. ... "

"... Gdansk. 9.15 Registration. 9.45 Welcome by Marshal
of the Pomorskie Province Mr Jan Zarebski. 10.00 ... "

Peer comment(s):

neutral cquest : Speaker. Province jest OK.
6087 days
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