Aug 11, 2004 17:09
20 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Polish term

zapłacic pozostała kwotę zamówienia w terminie 3 dni

Polish to English Bus/Financial Law: Taxation & Customs
zapłacic pozostała kwotę zamówienia w terminie 3 dni

Proposed translations

7 mins
Polish term (edited): zap�acic pozosta�a kwot� zam�wienia w terminie 3 dni

pay the remaining amount of order within 3 days

... Total amount of order (+ currency) (*): Select way of paying (*): Pay by check,
money order, or mail order Your name & address: Name ...
Peer comment(s):

agree White Stork : I would say "settle the outstanding balance of the order within 3 days"
2 hrs
agree Woman
12 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
18 mins
Polish term (edited): zap�acic pozosta�a kwot� zam�wienia w terminie 3 dni

settle the outstanding amount of the order within 3 days

chyba czesciej stosuje sie outstanding
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13 hrs
Polish term (edited): zap�acic pozosta�a kwot� zam�wienia w terminie 3 dni

pay the order balance within 3 days

jak w tych linkach:"pay the order ...

You will be asked in the email to pay the order balance. Delivery of
pre-ordered products is on a strict first-come first-serve basis. ...

Can I pay the order balance on delivery of my furniture? Yes ...

When redeeming a Gift Certificate, if your order total is more than the amount of the Gift Certificate(s), you will be required to pay the order balance with a ...

... balance due, including the shipping charges. You will be asked in
the email to pay the order balance. After we receive payment of ...

Note added at 13 hrs 26 mins (2004-08-12 06:36:03 GMT)

balance = pozostała kwota :)
jak podaje PWN/OXford:
5. (remainder) pozostałość f; (of money) różnica f; to pay the ~ wypłacić or zapłacić pozostałą sumę; if we pay off 100, that will leave a ~ of 50 jeśli zapłacimy 100 funtów, pozostanie 50 funtów
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