Feb 21, 2010 10:49
14 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Polish term

średniozaawansowana armia

Polish to English Social Sciences Military / Defense
zmieniliśmy nasze wojsko w średniozaawansowaną - według światowych standardów - armię zawodową.
Proposed translations (English)
4 moderately (technologically) advanced army
3 average army


maciejm Feb 22, 2010:
From my experience with the American military, the preferred terms would be "career/contractual/contract-based" not "professional", which would be understood as "well-trained". And, once again, "army" is only "land forces', not the whole military/armed forces as is the meaning of the word "armia" in Polish.
Michael Sangster (X) Feb 21, 2010:
I think "professional" would be apt in this case. Rather than referring to the standard of training, I see "armia zawodowa" as referring to the move away from a draft-based army towards a contract-based one, i.e., a "professional army".

maciejm Feb 21, 2010:
Trzeba tylko pamiętać, że po polsku "armia", to ogólnie wojsko, a po angielsku "army", to wyłącznie "siły lądowe", więc w angielskiej wersji należy napisać "armed forces". Podobnie "professional", to raczej "dobrze wyszkolony", niż "zawodowy". M

Proposed translations

7 hrs

moderately (technologically) advanced army

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59 mins

average army

average fighting force
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