This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Mar 22, 2011 17:37
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Polish term


Polish to English Science Science (general)
Podpisy pod wykresami:
"łanowe rozmieszczenie populacji gatunków"
"Populacje gatunków mogą mieć np. rozproszony, regularny lub łanowy typ rozmieszczenia przestrzennego"
Proposed translations (English)
4 clumped


Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak) (asker) Mar 22, 2011:
and in the above paper you can find even "skupiskowo-łanowe" :/
Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak) (asker) Mar 22, 2011:
like much larger 'clouds of dots' than clumped; I agree with you - it does not make much sense to me but still, I have a drawing with 6 types of spatial distribution, including random, regular, scattered, clumped (skupiskowy), łanowy i gradientowy.
Peter Nicholson (X) Mar 22, 2011:
Penguins Look at the photo of the two groups of African penguins at the bottom of this page:
. Are these not like two clouds of dots separated from each other? What does skupiskowe look like in your picture?
Evonymus (Ewa Kazmierczak) (asker) Mar 22, 2011:
@Peter - like large clouds of dots separated from each other (for the moment I can't find a right picture on Internet)
@ M.A.B. :) może :)
Peter Nicholson (X) Mar 22, 2011:
Not you, M.A.B. My question was addressed to Evonymus, following her comment on my answer.
M.A.B. Mar 22, 2011:
Peter That was just a joke
Peter Nicholson (X) Mar 22, 2011:
łanowe So what does łanowe look like, then?
M.A.B. Mar 22, 2011:
;) Może chodzi o łąki łan?
"nie da ci nic tego co łan trawy ci da"

Proposed translations

43 mins


Note added at 45 mins (2011-03-22 18:22:24 GMT)

not 'growing in patches', as here:
Note from asker:
dziękuję, ale IMHO 'clumped' to 'skupiskowe', a wg rysunków, które mam w opracowaniu "skupiskowe" to nie to samo co "łanowe"
I'm thinking about 'areal'??
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