Glossary entry

Polish term or phrase:

otwór na kołek rozporowy

English translation:

anchor / rawlplug hole

Added to glossary by bartek
Jun 23, 2003 12:50
21 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Polish term

otwór na kołek rozporowy

Polish to English Tech/Engineering
rawlplug hole wydaje się być logiczne, ale nie ma zbyt wielu potwierdzeń
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 anchor hole

Proposed translations

10 mins

anchor hole

When drilling an anchor hole using a carbide tipped bit,
the rotary. ... forms an anchor hole which has roughened walls. If diamond tipped. ...

No, chyba, że zechcesz wstawić "rawlplug"
Peer comment(s):

agree Pawel Czernecki
1 day 18 hrs
Something went wrong...
2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "anchor to raczej kotwa, dzięki za pomoc! MA"
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