Glossary entry

Portuguese term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Jorge Rodrigues
Feb 27, 2005 23:46
20 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Portuguese term


Non-PRO Portuguese to English Other Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs document
por favor voce poderia verificar se a traducao esta correcta.
We hereby certificate that ARI MAGALHAES NETO Son of ARNOLDO PAZ MAGALHAES
Born in Teresina-PI, in February 24, 1985 because of the results reached in the year 2002 concluded the High School with credit of the LAW THAT ESTABILISHES THE RULES AND BASE OF THE EDUCATION (law # 9394 December 20, 1996).


bigedsenior Feb 28, 2005:
It really needs to be rewritten.
Kim Metzger Feb 27, 2005:
I changed it from English-English to Portuguese-English, OK? Also, your English text is very poorly written.

Proposed translations

15 mins
Portuguese term (edited): creditos


My suggestion: We do hereby certify that ARI MAGALHÃES NETO, son of ARNOLDO PAZ MAGALHÃES, born in Teresina, State of Piauí, on February 24th, 1985, in view of the results achieved in year 2002, completed Senior High School with credits granted pursuant to the EDUCATION RULES AND GUIDELINES LAW (Law No. 9394 of December 20th, 1996).
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thank you very much"
13 mins

with accreditation under the Law

Otherwise, there are too many corrections needed.
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