Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Romanian term or phrase:
băltirea apelor pluviale
English translation:
rainwater ponding/ponding of rainwater
Romanian term
băltirea apelor pluviale
3 +5 | rainwater ponding/ponding of rainwater |
Peter Shortall
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5 +1 | rainwater stagnation |
ioana gabriela sandu (X)
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Apr 23, 2008 21:59: Peter Shortall changed "Field" from "Tech/Engineering" to "Science" , "Field (specific)" from "Other" to "Geology"
Proposed translations
rainwater ponding/ponding of rainwater
(International Glossary of Hydrology)
EN 0924 ponding
(1) Natural formation of a pond in a water course.
(2) Creation of free standing water on the soil surface.
"The isotopic compositions of the other groundwater group suggest that recharge is effect by evaporation. The evaporation process may occur from temporary storage or **ponding of rainwater** in the surface area before infiltration or from capillarity evaporation of infiltrated water."
agree |
Anca Nitu
2 hrs
Mulţumesc, Anca!
agree |
Mihaela Ghiuzeli
2 hrs
Mulţumesc, Mihaela!
agree |
Tradeuro Language Services
15 hrs
Mulţumesc, Tradeuro!
agree |
Oana Negut
1 day 13 hrs
Mulţumesc, Oana!
agree |
1 day 14 hrs
Mulţumesc, Victor!
băltire - Starea unui teren când pânza subterană atinge suprafaţa sa şi poate dăuna creşterii vegetaţiei. waterlogged