May 19, 2003 09:24
21 yrs ago
Russian term
они смогли бы получать знания на своей исторической родине
Russian to English
Government / Politics
Строительство университета предоставило бы им доступ к образованию и они смогли бы получать знания на своей исторической родине. Там бы они учились, постигали науки, размышляли и мечтали. Но плану не суждено было осуществиться, така как оппозиционные силы сделали все, чтобы завалить проект.
Proposed translations
Proposed translations
719 days
Russian term (edited):
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might recieve a chance to receive an education in their motherland
Строительство университета предоставило бы им доступ к образованию и они смогли бы получать знания на своей исторической родине.
The construction of a university would provide access to education and they might recieve a chance to receive an/their education in their motherland.
The construction of a university would provide access to education and they might recieve a chance to receive an/their education in their motherland.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Graded automatically based on peer agreement."
11 mins
and they could be/(had been) educated in their historic/(al) Fatherland/(Motherland)
Good luck & best wishes, Helena7!
14 mins
They would be given an opportunity to acquire knowledge
in their historical homeland
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Svetlana (X)
: пожалуй, наиболее точный и лаконичный вариант.Historical homeland приходилось слышать.И стиль нейтральный,без пафоса,который слегка слышется в mother(father)land
2 days 5 hrs
23 mins
And they could get an education in their own country/ in their country of origin.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Natalia Koltsova
: I think 'could have been/would have been getting' is better here (this is something that hasn't happened in reality).
11 hrs
neutral |
Svetlana (X)
: я только подумала,что исторической родину называют и во втором поколении,люди,которые родились уже в новой стране
2 days 5 hrs
4 days
they could have studied in their historical motherland
they could have got knowledge in their historical motherland
Something went wrong...