Jan 5, 2003 10:44
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Russian term

ряд с периодом A

Russian to English Tech/Engineering applied mechanics
исследуются волны продольного сдвига в слое толщиной h, перворированном бесконечным рядом цилиндрических полостей радиусом R с периодом A.

Говорится о ряде периодически повторяющихся полостей. Но правильно ли будет сказать "a row of period A" ? Может это не период, а, скажем, шаг или еще что-нибудь?


Vera Fluhr (X) Jan 5, 2003:
Period - это для временных рядов, а здесь ряд вроде не временной
Non-ProZ.com Jan 5, 2003:
да перфорированный. Это я перевожу очередной "топорный" текст. По-момему, "перфорированный" можно просто заменить на "содержащий бесконечный ряд"
Vera Fluhr (X) Jan 5, 2003:
Что значит "перворированном"? ПерФорированном?

Proposed translations

1 day 4 hrs

periodic array (or line) of cylindrical holes with radius R and (spatial) period A

periodic array (or line, depending on the context) of cylindrical holes with radius R and (spatial) period A
“periodic array of holes” is a popular term. See yahoo.
Both array and line assume an infinite series of holes.
There is nothing wrong with using “period” in this context. Period is not necessarily a time characteristic. For instance, crystals have a lattice parameter called lattice period (the distance between crystal planes).
I don't think "cavitites" are suitable for this text.

Periodic line of holes:
Photonic Band Gap Microcavity Laser Embedded in a Strip Wavegui (PDF) - ... The 1-D photonic crystal consists of a period- ic line of holes ... The line of cylindrical holes forming the photonic crystal provides strong optical confinement ...
Periodic array of holes:
Surface Plasmon Molecules - ... The y-axis runs along a cut of the periodic array of holes (the cut considered is represented schematically in the upper left panel). ...

…The period of the structure is 300nm and the individual hole diameter on the order of 150nm. http://www.hlphys.uni-linz.ac.at/hl/groupsch/annualreports/a...

A-period array http://lmn.web.psi.ch/annrep/nf0104.pdf
…the spatial period of the array of holes:
Essential parameter in the formation of photonic band gaps (PDF) - ... between / a and / a , where a is the spatial period of the array of holes 9 . Coupling between the modes at / a and / a due to the periodic perturbation can ...

…this one is 200 nm thick with holes 150 nm across and a period of 900 nm… http://www.spie.org/web/oer/march/mar00/transmission.html

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to all. I believe pitch and spacing will also do the trick. "
18 mins

Distance, interval, space

По-моему (если я правильно понимаю этот топорный текст), здесь речь о том, что в этом слое есть периодически повторяющиеся дырки в виде цилиндрических полостей

И А - это расстояние между центрами этих дырок

Note added at 2003-01-05 11:10:30 (GMT)

\"Бесконечный ряд\" в таком случае - это просто тесконечная последовательность, т.е. sequence ?

Цилиндрические полости === cylindric cavities

... If the variables y and z can be separated, ie if E. kz. = F. 1. (y)F. 2. (z) (as in. waveguides or cylindric cavities, for example), then. Z. 0. (s) = (2ssR). 2. X. k. 2E. ...

High Resolution EPR Spectroscopy
... this frequency waveguides become eccessively lossy (typical figure of merit 12 dB/m at 250 GHz) and the rectangular or cylindric cavities eccessively small. ...

Note added at 2003-01-05 11:14:50 (GMT)

Или лучше - cylindricAL cavities

Шут его знает, м.б. и правда period?
Вот этот файл почему-то открыть не могу:

Extraordinary optical transmission through sub-wavelength hole ...
... While exploring the optical properties of submicrometre cylindrical cavities in metallic films, we ... at wave- lengths larger than the array period, beyond which ...
http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee349/ Handouts/Nature02121998.pdf

Note added at 2003-01-05 11:17:44 (GMT)

Нет, все-таки похоже что Space:

Miniaturized fiberoptic illuminating device (US5217290)
... may be a cylindrical lens or a modified cylindrical lens having ... The device also includes a housing having a row of spaced apart cavities receiving and ...

Note added at 2003-01-05 11:28:14 (GMT)

Вот этот текст целиком:

The device also includes a housing having a row of spaced apart cavities receiving and supporting the ferrules and a single cavity spaced forwardly of and extending transversely to the row of cavities which contains the lens. The single cavity is spaced forwardly from forward ends of the row of cavities. The housing also has an elongated slot which intersects forward ends of row of cavities and a rear side of the single large cavity and is disposed between the row of cavities and the large cavity for providing a passage from the apertures to the lens to pass light emitted from the optical fibers through the apertures to the lens.

Note added at 2003-01-05 11:33:01 (GMT)

... cavities spaced at 1/3 of a wavelength, one arrives at the parameters indicated in Table 1. .....

... 4 \'\' deep cavities; 1\'\', 3 / 4 \'\', 1 / 2 \'\', 3 / 8 \'\', 1 / 4 \'\' and 1 / 8 \'\' diameter, spaced twice the appropriate diameter apart, one row of cavities on each ...
http://testequipmentandtools.com/acatalog/ NA76-410-4130_4132.pdf
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33 mins

periodic set of ... with (perforation) pitch A

Когда говорят о периоде некоей (условно-бесконечной)структуры, принято использовать термин "шаг" = pitch

например: шаг перфорации = perforation pitch
Peer comment(s):

agree Oleg Pashuk (X) : periodic series
4 hrs
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1 hr

Infinite row of .... with row spacing A; A-spaced infinite row of cylindrical cavities...

Параметр A называется Row Spacing
Он относится не к отверстиям, а к ряду.

Если есть ряд чего-то (неважно чего - скажем "пимпочек"), то расстояния между пимпочками в этом ряду называется Row spacing:

Calibration Method for Hydraulic Boom and Band Sprayers and Other ...
... Measure row spacing for evenly spaced rows. Find this row spacing in the Table 2. and read the corresponding calibration distance from the ...
http://www.griffin.peachnet.edu/caes/tobacco/ handbook/boom-band98.html

... When most mothers have produced daughters that are ready to take root,
it's time for you to establish the 9-by-9-inch spaced row system. ...

... This product is the best alternative for evenly spaced row crops in a vegetable garden. http://www.dripirrigation.com/dripstor/ prodpages/tube/t013.htm

... of this way, it seems quite natural that the volcanic magmas would undergo the Rayleigh-Taylor instability and so create an evenly spaced row of volcanoes. ...

Note added at 2003-01-05 13:27:41 (GMT)

В-общем, так:
периодический ряд \"пимпочек\", т.е. ряд где расстояние между пимпочками неизменно, называется \"evenly spaced row\". А само это расстояние называется либо \"spacing\", либо все-таки \"distance,\" или \"repeat distance\". А иногда даже \"spacing distance\" или \"spatial distance\". При этом совершенно не важно, из каких \"пимпочек\" этот рад состоит - терминология одна.

... Perforations shall be evenly spaced along each row such that the center-to-center distance between perforations is not less than eight (8) times the ...

... Perforations are measured by counting the number of holes per two centimeters. ... types are based on the assumption that the holes are evenly spaced (rarely they ...

... Perforations are measured by counting the number of holes per two centimeters. ... types are based on the assumption that the holes are evenly spaced (rarely they ...

All strings are evenly spaced, spatial distance equals tonal distance.

Fertilizer Applicator Calibration (Drop-Type)
... Broadcast Application: Outlets must be evenly spaced. ... Table 2. Row Spacing or Outlet Spacing ... Width (whichever applies) Calibration Distance 48 inches ...

... c) More interesting is a row of evenly spaced PAIRS of scattering points, where the pairs are closer together than the repeat distance between pairs. ...
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3 hrs

infinite series with period A

примерно так. Зачеи усложнять?

series - в математике последовательность, ряд, как ряд Фибоначчи - the Fibonacci series

Хотя, кончено, полной уверенности нет.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Vera Fluhr (X) : это же совсем в другом смысле "ряд"
12 hrs
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