Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Francesca Vincenzetti (X)
May 10, 2003 23:52
21 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Art/Literary Fine Arts
Restauración de Monumentos y Obras de Arte - Musealización
Proposed translations (English)
4 museology
4 Art restoration

Proposed translations

7 mins


I think this is what they mean. Thjis refers to the study of the organization, functions, and management of museums---which would obviously include restoration of works of art, etc.

Hope this helps:-)

Note added at 2003-05-11 00:08:53 (GMT)

BTW Francesca:

That \"weird\" word --\"musealización\" does not exist in the D.R.A.E.--and was obviously simply invented by some budding genius:-)

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you very much. I a agree with you in regards to the "made up" word. The whole text appears to be full of "made up" terms. Very disappointing source text..."
11 mins

Art restoration

Me parece más adecuado. Además, creo que seguro encaja en el contexto. Buena suerte.
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Comment: "Museology - me resulta más conveniente, pero gracias!!"
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