Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

calado de la inyección

English translation:

injection timing

Added to glossary by mgazitua
Jan 20, 2007 12:51
18 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

calado de la inyección

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Automotive / Cars & Trucks
Estimados colegas:

Se trata de uno de los parámetros que describen el sistema de inyección de combustible de un vehículo motorizado. Aparece junto a "curva de avance de inyección" y otros.

Muchas gracias,

Mauricio Gazitua

Proposed translations

3 hrs

injection timing

Consulta siguiente directiva de la Comisión Europea. Te será muy útil.
COMMISSION DIRECTIVE 97/21/EC of 18 April 1997 adapting to technical progress Council Directive 80/1269/EEC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to the engine power of motor vehicles
Peer comment(s):

agree Spanarts (X)
10 hrs
agree Alexandra Potts : Spot on!
23 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchísimas gracias, cpv24. Mauricio Gazitua Chile"
6 hrs

quantity of fuel injected

This ref has both EN and ES pages.

fuel injection n. Any of several methods or mechanical systems by which a ... speed control accomplished solely by controlling the quantity of fuel injected. - 121k - Cached - More from this site
Fuel pressure regulator
When manifold pressure is low, as at idle, fuel pressure will be lowered. ... As a result, the quantity of fuel injected into the engine is set solely by the
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