Jun 23, 2002 21:33
22 yrs ago
29 viewers *
Spanish term

IVA Acreditable

Spanish to English Bus/Financial financial statements
Dentro del activo circulante (en el activo obviamente) de un Balance.
gracias, aurora

Proposed translations

8 mins

VAT credits

value added tax credits due for one reason or another... perhaps overpayment, perhaps incentives...
Peer comment(s):

agree Henry Hinds : VAT Tax Credit.
6 mins
agree MARCELA RUIZ : I think this is it
2 hrs
agree mgabriell
2 hrs
neutral Paul Slocomb : In a balance sheet, this is OK (Crditable VAT would be better). The amounts are NOT due. They are available to credit against VAT arising from future transactions.
7 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Sounds logical...es un "renglón" en el balance después de todo. Gracias a todos, Au"
7 mins

Creditable VAT

IVA = Value added tax

Ojalá sirva!

Peer comment(s):

agree Paul Slocomb
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
15 mins

creditable for VAT, VAT to be credited, VAT to credit

creditable for VAT, VAT to be credited, VAT to credit
Peer comment(s):

neutral Paul Slocomb : Sense is OK, but any of the three a bit awkward.
7 hrs
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