Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

juegos pre-deportivos

English translation:

pre-sporting games/activities

Added to glossary by Oso (X)
Feb 26, 2003 19:37
22 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term

Juegos Pre-deportivos

Spanish to English Art/Literary Education / Pedagogy education
Context: Course in Teacher Training College:

Los juegos predeportivos son
denominados así porque son un
vehículo para acceder al deporte.

El juego, que es una actividad
cotidiana y espontánea en los niños y
que no es necesario motivar o
favorecer para que tenga lugar, se
presenta como un recurso de gran
interés pedagógico.
Change log

Apr 21, 2005 23:03: Oso (X) changed "Level" from "Non-PRO" to "PRO"

Proposed translations

3 mins

pre-sporting games/activities

Hola Cristina,
Una sugerencia.
Buena suerte y saludos del Oso ¶:^)

Note added at 2003-02-26 19:43:21 (GMT)

Un ejemplo:

\"...Health and Wellbeing: Actively teaching and encouraging children to lead a healthy lifestyle by: Conducting a breakfast program, holding after-school sport and recreation program, conducting life skills programs -- cooking, manual arts, horticulture, ***teaching pre-sporting skills*** to infant school students...\"

Peer comment(s):

agree Сергей Лузан
15 mins
Muchas gracias a mi buddy Sergio ¶:^)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias Oso! Cris"
3 mins

pre-sports games

volleyball, softball, gymnastics, athleticism and swimming, taking into consideration
that physical fitness, playful activities and pre-sports games are a ... physical_education_final_report.htm - 66k - En caché - Páginas
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5 mins

skills development activities

From the description, the term seems to describe activities in young children that foster the development of skills that may later be used in organized sports, but in young children these activities are simply non-competitive games.
Peer comment(s):

neutral stashhound : they are spontanious unprevoked games, but they are probably competitive just the same
12 mins
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16 mins

Presports games

These games are important because they lead to the game (literally they are a vehical to the entry to the game)

The game, which is a daily activity and is spontaneous in children and is not neccissary to modivate or or to favor in order to take place, appears to be a resource of great pedagogical interest.

these little pregame games are important because you dont have to tell the kids to do them. and because of which, they are of great pedagogical(pedagogy=The art or profession of teaching) intrerst

Note added at 2003-02-26 19:56:29 (GMT)

the first part was a literal translation of the context the second was my take
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