Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

tallarín con carne

English translation:

tagliarini with meat sauce

Added to glossary by Joaquim Siles-Borràs
Sep 20, 2005 09:08
19 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

tallarín con carne

Spanish to English Other Food & Drink
Course in a menu.
This one is easy (I guess), but I am not sure anymore. I have found noodles, but that can't be right. Meat noodles does not sound right as a translastion for tallarín con carne!
Does anyone know how to say tallarín con carne?
Thanks again

Proposed translations

14 mins
Spanish term (edited): tallar�n con carne

tagliarini with meat sauce

bolognesa ?

(Del it. tagliarini).
1. m. Pasta alimenticia de harina en forma de tiras estrechas y largas. U. m. en pl.


Note added at 27 mins (2005-09-20 09:35:32 GMT)

"taglairini bolognesa"
[PDF] Elementos de la cultura italiana en la cultura del UruguayFormato de archivo: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Versión en HTML
La salsa de carne molida para acompañar las pastas, llamada bolognesa, es ofrecida ... la frondosa variedad de las pastas: tagliarini, spaguetti, ... docspdf/anuario2001/1-pihugarte.pdf - Páginas similares
Bella Itália di Nonna Mimi - CardápioTagliarini champignos Tagliarini c/ ricota Tagliarini bolognesa Spaguetti al sugo Spaguetti a calabresa Spaguetti agliolio Spaguetti na manteiga ... - 22k - En caché - Páginas similares

.: Schiavi : Produtos :.Cappelletti verde a rossini, Tagliarini a bolognesa ... Festival de sopas, Tagliarini ao sugo. Gnocchi a bolognesa, Tortei na manteiga ... - 36k - En caché - Páginas similares

[DOC] MASSASFormato de archivo: Microsoft Word 97 - Versión en HTML
Tagliarini a Bolognesa. TORTAS. 601. Torta de Camarão (500gr). R$ 10,50. 602. Torta de Frango (500gr). R$ 9,50. 603. Torta de Palmito (500gr) ... - 18 Sep 2005 - Páginas similares

Don Max - Restaurante e Arte!Massas (Spaguetti, Penne, Tagliarini). 1 pessoa, 2 pessoas. 21 - Ao Pesto ... 33 - Bolognesa (molho tradicional), R$ 17,05, R$ 27,50 ... - 42k - En caché - Páginas similares

Don Max - Restaurante e Arte!(SPAGUETTI, PENNE, TAGLIARINI). • Ao Pesto (manjericão, castanha do Pará e pecorino) ... Bolognesa (molho tradicional) • Cartoccio de Frutos do Mar ... - 60k - En caché - Páginas similares

BlumenauNa verdade foram servidos gnocchi (nhoqui), tagliarini (talharini) e spaghetti, com duas opções de molho: bolognesa (bolonhesa) e molho branco com frango. ... - 2k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

AVitrine - O Portal de Catanduva e Região - La Buca ItalianaNosso Cardápio - Massas. Espaghetti - Tagliarini - Parafuso - Gnocchi. Rigatoni - Fettucini - Penne - Conchiglia. ... À Matriciana. À Bolognesa. À Italiana. ... - 7k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Word Brasil - Assessoria de Imprensa... Entre as opções de pratos, o Tagliarini Branco a Michelangelo (polpa de tomate ... a Lasanha Branca ou Verde recheada com Molho Branco e Bolognesa com suas 6 ... - 16k - Resultado Suplementario - En caché - Páginas similares

Untitled Document - [ Traduzca esta página ]Bolognesa (tomatoe and meat). Paraty 33 (white and I suck, bacon, catupiry, gratinado with parmesão) ... Tagliarini. Ravioli (cottage cheese and meat) ... - 12k - En caché - Páginas similares


Peer comment(s):

agree Miguel Martin : si, aunque depende si son gruesos o no, si son finos son tallarines.
53 mins
gracias maiwel :)
agree Rachel Fell : probably with bolognese sauce
1 hr
thank you Rachel , I'm starting to grow an appetite :)
neutral Clare Macnamara : Hi MPGS!I know you have the right word in Italian, but do people actually say 'tagliarini' in English? (Don't stop sending me ":)" please!!) ;-))//Ok, let me know when you've patented it so I can use it too! ;))
6 hrs
Hi Clare and thanks. Good question! I really don't know what people eat and how they call it. The truth is I happen to like the word 'tagliarini' and I've decided to promote it until it becomes real popular, something like McTagliarini (TM) ;)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Muchas gracias a tod@s. Saludos. Quim"
12 mins
Spanish term (edited): tallar�n con carne

meat tagliarini

Tallarin es la version en espanyol de este tipo de pasta que en italiano se llama "tagliarini"
Aqui incluyo una lista de los diversos tipos de pasta con una breve descripcion. Espero te sea util
Anelli / aniline: small rings used for soup

Bucatini: Long medium tubes used for basic pasta dishes

Cannelloni: Large, thick round pasta tubes

Capelli d¡¦angelo: Thin strands of ¡¥angel hair¡¦ very similar to spaghetti

Cochiglie: Ridged tiny shells the size of lentils.

Cresti di gallo: curved shape, brown in colour.

Ditali/ ditalini: Short tubes similar to macaroni

Eliche: Loose spirals.

Farfalle: Bows used as an interesting shape for pasta and sauce dishes.

Fettuccine: Medium ribbons

Fusilli: Long twists often used in desserts and sweet dishes.

Gemelli: Two pieces wrapped together to look like ¡¥twins¡¦

Lasagne: Sheets of flat rectangular pasta

Linguini: Long flat ribbons similar to fettuccini.

Lumache: Snail-shaped shells

Lumaconi: Big shells often used for fillings

Macaroni: Long or short cut tubes, a favourite with cheese sauce.

Orecchiette: Ear-shaped

Penne: Quill shaped small pasta

Rigatoni: Thick ridged tubes

Spaghetti: Fine or medium rods

Tagliarini: Thin ribbons

Tagliatelle: broad ribbons

Vermicelli: Fine pasta, usually folded into skeins and stuffed/filled.
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13 mins
Spanish term (edited): tallar�n con carne

tagliatelle with meat sauce

Hi Joaquim! I know your menu doesn't say sauce but the meat is always in some kind of saucy stuff; otherwise it would be really dry. Anyway, tallarines are tagliatelle. Good luck!

Mangiare Bene - Tagliatelle with meat sauce, by "Alfredo" - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Tagliatelle with meat sauce — Tagliatelle al ragù. Finely chop the onion, celery
and carrot and sauté in butter and oil for ten minutes and add the minced ... bernardo/tagliatelle_meatsauce.html - 7k

Note added at 15 mins (2005-09-20 09:23:26 GMT)

italian tagliatelle with meat sauce recipe recipe | pasta recipes ... - [ Traduzca esta página ]
italian recipes from Venetto's, try our italian tagliatelle with meat sauce recipe.

Prices: Restaurant - season - [ Traduzca esta página ]
Tagliatelle with meat sauce or Vegetable soup Chine of pork Green salad and Chips
Dessert and Fruit. Menu n. 3 - € each. Cannelloni ... - 6k

Caputo, Laila, Cima at Italian Wine Merchants - [ Traduzca esta página ]
When young, it is well-served beside tagliatelle with meat and tomato sauce,
salami and meat roasts, as well as with fish stews. 2000 Montepulciano $ 29.16 ... IWM_06_05_03_Fathers_Day_Wines.htm

Peer comment(s):

agree Marina Soldati
3 hrs
agree maryel : no doubt, Clare
6 hrs
Thanks a lot maryel!
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3 hrs
Spanish term (edited): tallar�n con carne

flat noodle with meat

"Tallarín" is mostly known in the US as "flat noodle"
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4 hrs
Spanish term (edited): tallar�n con carne

(broad) noodles with beef

In my (humble :)) opinion, and with nearly 10 years of experience as a restaurant owner on two continents, I would never translate "carne" as meat for a menu item. To a native English speaker this leaves some doubt about what kind of meat it is. Also, with "tallarín", at least in Peru, this can mean any type of long noodle and very often linguine or spaghetti are used.

Coco Roco - Brooklyn, New York
Tallarin saltado de pollo or carne $9.95 spaghetti with beef or chicken, tomato
and red ... Pan con carne $5.95 grilled steak, griled peppers and onions and ... - 11k - Cached - Similar pages

SMOTHERED WITH SPINACH BASIL SAUCE & BREADED CHICKEN BREAST. BEEF (CARNE). ... - 12k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Message #2
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
favorite called tallarín saltado con carne, long ... PERUVIAN-STYLE LINGUINE WITH
STIR-FRIED BEEF TENDERLOIN. (Tallarín Saltado Con Carne) ... - Similar pages

Melting Pot at a Rolling Boil | November 2004
Peruvian-Style Linguine with Stir-Fried Beef Tenderloin (Tallarín Saltado con
Carne) Adapted by Maricel Presilla, chef-owner, Zafra and Cucharamama, ... - 52k - Cached - Similar

Peer comment(s):

agree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : what are Broad Noodles? the Italian would be better, no?
1 hr
thanks Jane, what I was most concerned about was the translation of "carne", you would never put just "meat" on a menu unless the dish had a mixture of meats.
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