Sep 11, 2011 22:45
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Spanish term

contenidos propositivos de significación

Spanish to English Social Sciences Government / Politics
I have came across this expression in Spanish and I really don't know how it could be translated into English. It is talking about the contents of a conference and I guess "propositivos" means something like: "providing alternatives, ideas" "not just theory, but action".

Any ideas?


Se ha trabajado de manera coordinada con organizaciones regionales y mundiales y se pretende dar contenidos propositivos de significación. La iniciativa ha sido considerada por la Reunión de Ministros de Trabajo y es acompañada por todos los gobiernos.


Proposed translations

9 mins

(draft/put forward) specific proposals*

Verify any translation of this type of fanciful writer with its author. There is an interesting discussion on this site: Diccionario de la Lengua española de la real academia de la Lebgua, Vigésima Segunda edición, año 2001, página 1252 del tomo 8 y Diccionario del Uso del español de maría Moliner,1997.
Por deducción en ambos diccionarios encontramos para PROPOSITIVO que debe venir de la palabra proposición sobre la cual dice "accion y efecto de proponer", vayamos a proponer y encontramos "determinar hacer propósito de ejecutar algo", entre otras acepciones, de la Real Academia; por su parte la Moliner dice: "exponer una persona a otra un un plan, trato, etc, buscando su conformidad para llevarlo a efecto".://
Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Levey : I agree 147% with "Verify any translation of this type of fanciful writer(ing) with its author". I'm much less sure about your proposed translation :(
35 mins
Thanks, mediamatrix. What I personally would do here is send the author 2 or 3 possibilities and ask about his or her intention. I always query authors on this type of thing but it helps them to have something they can confirm, correct, or even rewrite.
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42 mins

worthwhile proactive ideas

Aren't these "UN & Co. (un)Limited" copywriters wonderful? Lovely words. Lousy communication.

I guess 'propossitivoos' (heck! - I can't even spell it right!) equates roughly to 'proactive'. The rest is akin to ... (voluntarily censored).
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11 hrs

(provide) material/content containing meaningful proposals

I agree with Jenni and mediamatrix that (a) it would do no harm to check what the author meant to say, and (b) this is, shall we say, not very well written. However...

I think "de significación" is just a way of saying "significativo", so "meaningful", a word which is not actually very "meaningful", in fact, but is used in much the same way: proposals that actually mean something, that have significant or important content, that produce results. "De significación" sounds "meaningful" because it is used in academic analysis. Here is another text in which I think the sense is "meaningful":

"Crear contenidos de calidad: un reto para Latinoamérica
A menudo descuidada, la labor de crear excelentes contenidos, de significación, calidad y alto valor estratégico, es cada día un desafío mayor en nuestros países latinoamericanos"

"Contenidos propositivos", which is actually a fairly common piece of jargon, seems to mean material that contain proposals. In practice there is not much difference between "contenidos propositivos" and "propuestas", but I think one should try to differentiate them, and "material" is one of several words that might be used. In fact "content" would be in keeping with this kind of jargon in English.

"No hay propuestas ni contenidos propositivos claros" (here they are distinguished, for what that is worth).
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11 hrs

meaningful proposals proposals&hl=en&cl...

contenidos propositivos = proposals

Note added at 11 hrs (2011-09-12 10:37:04 GMT)

see page 13
Peer comment(s):

agree neilmac : Works for me.
5 hrs
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