Sep 19, 2005 12:41
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term

su socialización con toda la sociedad

Spanish to English Social Sciences International Org/Dev/Coop
"Con este motivo, el proyecto desarrollará las herramientas necesarias para capacitar de manera eficiente a la población ante una situación de desastre, permitiendo una actualización sistemática de las bases de datos y su socialización con toda la sociedad y a la vez contar con todos los instrumentos que permitan a las autoridades de la Defensa Civil tomar decisiones de manera eficiente y eficaz."

I have translated it like this:

"With this goal in mind, the project will develop the necessary tools to provide the population efficiently with the necessary means in the wake of a disaster situation. The project will allow for a systematic update of the databases and a socialization to all of society while at the same time relying on all of the tools that allow the authorities of the Civil Defense make decisions with efficiency and effectiveness."

The part I really don't like here is the "socialization to all of society". What exactly is being socialized? Does it refer to educating the population about the project? If so, what would be the best way of phrasing it, given the context? Thanks!

Proposed translations

5 mins
Spanish term (edited): su socializaci�n con toda la sociedad

and its extensive diffusion/circulation among all the public

Más que socialización es difusión, circulación entre todo el público.
Peer comment(s):

agree franglish
7 mins
Thanks, Franglish
disagree Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : diffusion is not used in English in this context the sense of putting information out to is Spanglish...
7 hrs
Sorry, Jane. 'Been jumping -they call it evacuating- from one city to the next and hadn't seen your disagree. Spanglish? I'd call it false cognate at the most.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks for your help - I went w/ this one. "
9 mins
Spanish term (edited): su socializaci�n con toda la sociedad

total (totally accepted)integration with the rest of society..

agree with you,rest of piece sounds fine apart from thids one phrase!
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31 mins
Spanish term (edited): su socializaci�n con toda la sociedad

its interaction with society ...

good luck!
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9 hrs
Spanish term (edited): su socializaci�n con toda la sociedad

widespread societal acceptance

I read the text a little differently from the way that you do. This is just a rough cut, but the point is that the second sentence describes the effects of the herramientas specifically, I believe, rather than the project generally:

"With this goal in mind, the project will develop the necessary tools to EFFICIENTLY TRAIN/EQUIP the population TO CONFRONT/RESPOND IN a DISASTER. THESE TOOLS will enable ROUTINE database updates and [facilitate] WIDESPREAD SOCIETAL ACCEPTANCE while ALSO SUPPLYING all of the CAPABILITIES/MEANS that the Civil Defense authorities REQUIRE to make efficient and effective decisions."

TCMR 1.14... from The Societal acceptance of The Military’s Legitimacy in fulfilling ... especially The previous preparedness of some of its leaders to be used ... CMR/TCMR%20Papers/TCMR%201.14.htm - Supplemental Result - Similar pages

[PDF] 10. ‘La petite muette’ and suspicious controller: Armed Forces and ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
disaster relief and the defence of national territory. ... societal acceptance was high due to its national character and its social representativness. ... GRC/CMR/TCMR%20Papers/slovenia.pdf - Similar pages

[DOC] 1File Format: Microsoft Word 97 - View as HTML
... mapping and management strategies; improved disaster preparedness and mitigation. ... Research alone cannot ensure societal acceptance; however, ... veda_vyskum/6rp/ANNEX1priorityThemesFinal.doc - Similar pages

Peer comment(s):

neutral Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : I had already said that about acceptance in my final answer
1 day 23 hrs
I hadn't seen that -- was looking at just the headings. I find when my final answer differs greatly from my first, it's good to create a second answer and hide the first. For what it's worth, my phrasing's a tiny bit different from yours....
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2 hrs
Spanish term (edited): su socializaci�n con toda la sociedad

public information campaign

With this goal in mind, the plan will develop the necessary tools to ***empower the population efficiently in the wake of a disaster situation. The plan calls for systematic updating of databases and a public information campaign to the entire society while at the same time providing all the tools to Civil Defense authorities for efficient, effective decision making. ***

the word is Plan: Emergency Disaster Plan not project!

socializacion is a public information campaign in this context


Note added at 2 hrs 30 mins (2005-09-19 15:11:34 GMT)

socializacion= information campaign that reaches all members of the society..but that is too long..

Note added at 7 hrs 31 mins (2005-09-19 20:12:41 GMT)

I will tell you that I have never seen this. I think this might be a translation or something..

maybe they meant: full acceptance of it [of the data base]

it's either acceptance of it or a public information campaign..

Note added at 7 hrs 31 mins (2005-09-19 20:13:13 GMT)

Final: and its acceptance by all members of society

after all, it refers to the date base


Note added at 2 days 9 hrs 8 mins (2005-09-21 21:50:07 GMT)

FInal: and its acceptance by all members of society
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17 hrs
Spanish term (edited): su socializaci�n con toda la sociedad

widespread dissemination of their content

"Their content" is implicit in "su."

Note added at 2 days 9 hrs 56 mins (2005-09-21 22:38:08 GMT)

In SEMANTIC structure, the "su" probably refers to "datos." This is not true syntactic agreement. This "su" phenomenon is common in some dialects of Spanish. I did a study on it after translating a book in which the (Mexican) author used "su" in a lot of cases where he couldn't tell me precisely what the "su" referred to. We would have lunch together, I would present him with a list of "su"s with ambiguous antecedents, and he would be totally surprised at his own vagueness. This author, by the way, is a well-known eminence.

Note added at 2 days 10 hrs 2 mins (2005-09-21 22:43:27 GMT)

I forgot to say what I found in my study. If the syntactic antecedent to "su" is ambiguous or unspecified, invariably "su" refers to the immediately preceding concept. Sometimes it refers to the immediately preceding lump of concepts. But if it's syntactically unclear, the referent is not very far behind.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Jane Lamb-Ruiz (X) : their content? the content fot he databases??
1 day 15 hrs
Yes, the semantic reference to "su" in "su socializacio'n" is the "datos." See my notes above.
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