Apr 20, 2008 18:04
16 yrs ago
Spanish term

tractor de evento

Spanish to English Other IT (Information Technology) IT conference
This has to do with an IT symposium. I'm lost where it comes to "tractor de evento" Event tractor????

Presencia de los mejores expertos de relevancia mundial y nacional (conferencias plenarias), que contribuiran como tractores del evento.

Proposed translations

24 mins

main/chief/principal attractions [of the event]

Thought about it some more and it occurred to me: what is it that tractors do??
They pull or draw...
So maybe...just maybe...this is what they mean...[the event's]main/chief/principal attractions/draws
Luck, Mags:-)

Note added at 42 mins (2008-04-20 18:47:10 GMT)

Keynote attractions?
Peer comment(s):

agree JoLuGo : Tractores - Quiza los ponentes van a ser los señores Massey Ferguson, Holland, Ford e I. Harvester
4 days
Hola Jo. Te pido mil disculpas pues no sé cómo se me fue esto sin agradecértelo desde muchos antes. Es que estoy depurando mi bandeja de entrada de correo [2,700] y encontré esto. Saludos y gracias de nuevo:-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks, t. I've used "main attractions", for that's what the main sponsors are going to be!!!"
13 mins

event's driving force

Otra opción, casi literal
Note from asker:
Many thanks, e_cuesta. I've used Terry's suggestion "main attraction" for it fits more into the tone of the report. But thanks again!
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