Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

despojo patrimonial

English translation:

..patrimonial plunder...

Added to glossary by Gary Raymond Bokobza
Dec 14, 2009 09:56
15 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Spanish term

despojo patrimonial

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law: Contract(s)
A manifestar, ante quien proceda, que los bienes objeto de este contrato son propiedad de la arrendadora financiera así como a realizar las acciones oportunas para defender la titularidad que sobre los mismos ostenta la arrendadora financiera y evitar un despojo patrimonial para la misma.

Proposed translations

8 hrs

..patrimonial plunder...

Oligarchs and Cronies in the Philippine State: The Politics of Patrimonial Plunder<article-title>Politics of Plunder: The Philippines under Marcos. ...
Libro Politics Of Corruption de Williams, Robert (edt) - 1840641150`Oligarchs and Cronies in the Philippine State: The Politics of Patrimonial Plunder', World Politics, 43 (3), April, 414-50 ... - En caché
States of development: on the primacy of politics in development - Resultado de la Búsqueda de libros de Googlede Adrian Leftwich - 2000 - Political Science - 227 páginas
This particular form of the politics of 'patrimonial plunder' has many of the key elements of the 'predatory' state, which I discuss shortly; in the case of ... The New Rich in Asia: Mobile Phones, McDonald's and ... - [ Traducir esta página ]patrimonial plunder, rich conglomerate, tertiary enrolment ratio, middleclass liberals, party capitalism, emerging social forces, domestic bourgeoisie, ... › Books › Nonfiction › Politics - En caché - Similares
The Philippines: predatory regime, growing authoritarian features - [ Traducir esta página ]de NG Quimpo - 2009 - Artículos relacionados
not merely an object of patrimonial plunder. Writing on 'crony capitalism' in the Philippines, Kang (2002: 150) observes that corruption in the Philip- ...
James F. Brooks - Served Well by Plunder: La Gran Ladroneria and ... - [ Traducir esta página ]de JF Brooks - 2000 - Citado por 7 - Artículos relacionados
What had once been a method of adding patrimonial wealth to a warrior's ..... found themselves "disappointed in their hopes of plunder" and eager to ...
Martial Law Retrospective Books - [ Traducir esta página ]The Politics of Patrimonial Plunder.” Review of Politics of. Plunder: The Philippines under Marcos, by Belinda A. Aquino, Unequal Alliance: The World Bank, ... - En caché - Similares

Note added at 8 hrs (2009-12-14 18:41:14 GMT)

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porque estas características demográficas los hacen blanco principal de lo que es conocido como \\


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