Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
gestor del área de patrimonio
English translation:
property/assets manager
Added to glossary by
Rachel Freeman
Apr 28, 2011 08:09
13 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term
area de patrimonio
Spanish to English
Law: Contract(s)
Notarized document
This is from the same batch of documents as my previous question. It is a Spanish contract for maintenance services that says the company hired to do the maintenance did so to the satisfaction of the client and was paid for their services. This must be into UK English.
At the beginning of the document it says:
D. Felipe XXXXXXXXXXX Teniente Coronel y Gestor del Área de Patrimonio en XXXXX
Since the document is talking about maintenance performed on a military housing compound, I would assume this is military jargon for a department managing financial resources. At the bottom there is a stamp that says:
Subdelegación de Defensa en XXXX - Área de Patrimonio, Gestor
Anyone have any idea? Thank you all in advance.
At the beginning of the document it says:
D. Felipe XXXXXXXXXXX Teniente Coronel y Gestor del Área de Patrimonio en XXXXX
Since the document is talking about maintenance performed on a military housing compound, I would assume this is military jargon for a department managing financial resources. At the bottom there is a stamp that says:
Subdelegación de Defensa en XXXX - Área de Patrimonio, Gestor
Anyone have any idea? Thank you all in advance.
Proposed translations
4 | property/assets manager (but see below) | FVS (X) |
Proposed translations
16 mins
property/assets manager (but see below)
Patrimonio is another difficult word. It basically means property in the wider sense (i.e. not just real estate), and in accounting is 'assets and liabilities', or 'equity' etc., but in this case I suspect the job may involve contracting/procurement as well.
As with 'expediente', property is the widest catch all which would do. Assets manager would also do.
If you encounter a more precise definition of the job or department it would be appropriate to expand the term to fit the reality of the situation but otherwise I would use one of these two alternatives.
As with 'expediente', property is the widest catch all which would do. Assets manager would also do.
If you encounter a more precise definition of the job or department it would be appropriate to expand the term to fit the reality of the situation but otherwise I would use one of these two alternatives.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks!"
Reference comments
42 mins
Managing Heritage Assets
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Regular and appropriate maintenance is carried out to keep the heritage asset ..... contact details for the commissioning officer and the property manager ... - Simila
Step 2: Maintain your building and carry out periodic surveys ...
Postponing maintenance is a false economy and poor asset management. Bettermaintenance of heritage assets would save local authorities money in the long ... - Cached
Note added at 44 mins (2011-04-28 08:53:33 GMT)
Heritage on the MOD Estate - Ministry of Defence | home
In the UK, MOD is responsible for over 800 listed buildings and 700 scheduled ... landscapes to military airfields);; other local listed or vernacular heritage estate ... Factsheets on MOD heritage assets are found in Related Pages ... - Cached
Managing Heritage Assets
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
Regular and appropriate maintenance is carried out to keep the heritage asset ..... contact details for the commissioning officer and the property manager ... - Simila
Step 2: Maintain your building and carry out periodic surveys ...
Postponing maintenance is a false economy and poor asset management. Bettermaintenance of heritage assets would save local authorities money in the long ... - Cached
Note added at 44 mins (2011-04-28 08:53:33 GMT)
Heritage on the MOD Estate - Ministry of Defence | home
In the UK, MOD is responsible for over 800 listed buildings and 700 scheduled ... landscapes to military airfields);; other local listed or vernacular heritage estate ... Factsheets on MOD heritage assets are found in Related Pages ... - Cached
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