Jun 10, 2010 20:19
14 yrs ago
21 viewers *
Spanish term

Deslindado de toda responsabilidad

Non-PRO Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general)
Having some trouble because I think the Spanish is awkward to begin with.

The names of the companies have been replaced with X and Y.

"El corporativo X queda deslindado de toda responsabilidad con la compañia Y.

Thanks for your help.
Votes to reclassify question as PRO/non-PRO:

PRO (1): Richard McDorman

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Proposed translations

26 mins

relieved of all responsibility

That is, relieved of all responsibility for company Y. Literally, "deslindado" means "separated from," but in English, the standard collocation is "relieved of" when talking about responsibility.

Note added at 28 mins (2010-06-10 20:47:24 GMT)

See, e.g.:

DCM will be relieved of all responsibility for any form of compensation if an ad is supplied in non preferred or non-acceptable formats, such as native application files.


Cembre S.p.A. is relieved of all responsibility for any errors or inaccuracies in the content of this information resulting from causes that cannot be attributed to it.

Peer comment(s):

agree Leonardo Lamarche : agree.100%
6 mins
Thank you very much!
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1 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks!"
10 hrs

relieved of all liability

In the context of contracts, "responsabilidad" usually refers to "liability", rather than to "responsibility". Here are some examples:

Owner agrees seller is relieved of all liability starting at time of mating. ... stated in both the Life Time Health Guarantee and Contract. Signature: ...

The Company shall be relieved of all liability for any loss or damage, whether direct or consequential, suffered by a contracting or third party if such ...

... and the holder is relieved of all liability, provided it acted in good faith. ... Asset locators are individuals who contract with property owners to ...

Any such use shall be at the sole risk of the user, and HAS and its affiliate and related companies shall be relieved of all liability in connection ...

Peer comment(s):

agree argosys
1 hr
Thanks argosys
agree Andy Watkinson
4 hrs
Thanks Andy
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