Jul 20, 2010 14:56
14 yrs ago
11 viewers *
Spanish term

presente de requerimiento

Spanish to English Law/Patents Law (general) Spain / Court order / Bankruptcy
"Requerir al Procurador del instante y las restantes partes personadas, sirviendo la notificación de la presente de requerimiento al efecto, a fin de que en lo sucesivo, tan pronto como exista pluralidad de partes, presenten sus escritos con el previo traslado de copias, acompañando copia para la administración concursal comparecidas por medio de Procurador."

Does "la presente" mean "this document" in this case, making "la presente de requerimiento / this demand document (or some such), or is there something else going on?


Christine Walsh Jul 20, 2010:
It's a really convoluted paragraph. 'la presente' is a rather empty expression here, meaning 'this'. Something like 'this notification serves/must serve as a request/summons...'

Hope I've helped as far as meaning is concerned, but I'm not good at 'legalese' in either language.

Proposed translations

1 hr

(the notification of) these presents serving as summons/injunction, etc.

Hope it helps.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "ta"
1 hr

hereof as a summons

la notificación de la presente de requerimiento al efecto = notice hereof as a summons for such purpose

That should work quite smoothly.
Peer comment(s):

agree Ruth Ramsey
23 hrs
Gracias, Ruth.
Something went wrong...
2 hrs

serving this notice as a legal request, so that...

Mi sugerencia.
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