Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

titulares de la relación jurídica u objeto litigioso

English translation:

individual or corporation having a cause of action or who are theholders of the holders of the claim

Added to glossary by Claudia Martel
Mar 11, 2005 11:28
19 yrs ago
29 viewers *
Spanish term

titulares (in context)

Spanish to English Bus/Financial Law (general)
Serán considerados partes legítimas quienes comparezcan y actúen en juicio como titulares de la relación jurídica u objeto litigioso.

This is in an experts report on the applicability of plurality of parties in proceedings, i.e. when third parties can be called in to appear in the proceedings.

Thanks in advance,

Proposed translations

21 mins

individual or corporation having a cause of action or who are theholders of the holders of the claim

individual or corporation having a cause of
action (to sue), or who are the owners or holders of the [property/claim]
(or whatever that is the subject matter of the lawsuit) at issue.

Pat Mazzucco

Note added at 23 mins (2005-03-11 11:52:23 GMT)

La edición que aparece en el cuadro es muy deficiente y pido disculpas. Se repite el texto arriba.


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