Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

representante del consejero delegado

English translation:

representing the managing director

Added to glossary by Sarah Ponting
May 15, 2003 07:58
21 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Spanish term

representante del consejero delegado

Non-PRO Spanish to English Law/Patents company contract
En su cualidad de persona fisica representante del consejero delegado "X, S.A", en nombre de la entidad mercantil, de duracion indefinida, "Y, S.A", domiciliada en...

Does this mean he is the managing director or represents the managing director???

Proposed translations

9 mins

representing the managing director

I'd say
Peer comment(s):

agree Marian Greenfield
3 hrs
thanks, Marian
agree x-Translator (X)
7 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 hrs

representative of the managing director

Good luck, Lorna O'Donoghue!
Collins Spanish Dictionary, ISBN 0-00-470-295-6
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