Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Flexionador y Lematizador

English translation:

inflector and lemmatizer

Added to glossary by mbcj1975
Jul 10, 2007 19:36
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

Flexionador y Lematizador

Spanish to English Social Sciences Linguistics
Flexionador y Lematizador Automático de Palabras Españolas
Proposed translations (English)
5 inflector and lemmatizer
Change log

Jul 10, 2007 19:37: René Cofré Baeza changed "Language pair" from "English to Spanish" to "Spanish to English"

Proposed translations

4 mins

inflector and lemmatizer

you can them by googling for them

Note added at 4 days (2007-07-15 17:51:34 GMT) Post-grading

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Alan"
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