Jun 10, 2012 21:09
12 yrs ago
6 viewers *
Spanish term
Spanish to English
2 **repescas** por acción.
Proposed translations
4 +1 | second round |
Jenni Lukac (X)
![]() |
5 | “repechage”, “retake”, “give a second chance of”. PLEASE SEE EXPLANATION |
Domingo Trassens
![]() |
3 | recuperation |
jude dabo
![]() |
2 | recapture |
Lisa McCarthy
![]() |
Proposed translations
4 days
second round
If you don't want to use Domingo's technical term (very well explained!), you could say use the term second round, although it would be best to state the purpose or function of the second round (second product launch,etc.). Melodifestivalen 2012 | Second Round - Confesiones tirado en la ...
13 Feb 2012 – Melodifestivalen 2012 | Second Round. ¡Me voy ... espero que le podamos ver en la repesca y que acabe llegando a la final, ¡Lo necesitamos!
repescar Traducción al inglés; Linguee
Buscar en Linguee; Sugerir como traducción de "repescar"; Copiar .... and a second round was carried out from January 15 to February 15 to obtain the quotas ...
13 Feb 2012 – Melodifestivalen 2012 | Second Round. ¡Me voy ... espero que le podamos ver en la repesca y que acabe llegando a la final, ¡Lo necesitamos!
repescar Traducción al inglés; Linguee
Buscar en Linguee; Sugerir como traducción de "repescar"; Copiar .... and a second round was carried out from January 15 to February 15 to obtain the quotas ...
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Domingo Trassens
: Jenni: You won me in this competition that is the Kudoz, but you also won my heart. Your “second round” is poetic, with color and more… Of course, I cannot compete with a “Goddess” of the poetry if I walk through the “technical road”… Domingo
3 days 19 hrs
Thanks, Domingo. I have a great respect for the "technical road". Have a great day!
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you, Jenni!"
13 mins
Not really enough context to be able to give an accurate answer so this is just a guess really:
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4 days ago – Stop unprofitable marketing activities- or turn them into money- makers. ... **Recaptures lost clients**-and turn them into moneymakers again.
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Advanced Post-Sales Activities (Referrals, Resells & Recaptures) Many great marketing experts, like Bob Burg in Endless Referrals, use a variation of the..
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4 days ago – Stop unprofitable marketing activities- or turn them into money- makers. ... **Recaptures lost clients**-and turn them into moneymakers again.
Note from asker:
Thanks, Lisa. Yeah, I know, definitely not enough context. |
18 hrs
“repechage”, “retake”, “give a second chance of”. PLEASE SEE EXPLANATION
First of all, the concept of “repesca” is associated with the sports and the education. In both cases, the meaning is to “give a second chance of”.
For example, in a soccer match, when the two teams ended the period game 1 to 1, the “repesca” is to give a second chance of both competitors with the intention of one of them will be the winner. The English term used in this case is “repechage”.
In the educational environment, the concept of “repesca” is associated with the opportunity that the teacher or professor gives to a student who failed in the first test to try again a second time. The English term used in this case is “retake”. The student has the possibility to take again the test.
In particular, in the marketing arena, the “repesca” is to give a second change to win a market or a marketing opportunity against another competitor or more than one competitor. In English: “repechage”.
The practice in the marketing arena have different variations, but it always pursues to give a second change to one or more companies that are fighting for a market.
The term “repechage” comes for the French word: “repêchage”. An the meaning of “repêchage” is "re-fishing". Here we arrive to the Spanish name: “repesca”.
“Repechage” is a practice used in the sport and marketing to allow that participants who failed to meet qualifying standards by a small margin to continue to the next round.
We see this practice in the marketing with frequency. For example, when a competitor introduces a new product with good qualifications but it is not in the level that the market analysts expect, in a lot of cases, they give this manufacturer the possibility to improve the original product and introduces a new product with better performance.
In the technology arena, we saw a famous case when Microsoft introduced Windows Vista. The analysts and users didn’t like the performance of the product, and the experts found a lot of technical problems that reported to Microsoft. With all this support of the market and analysts Microsoft had the opportunity of “repesca” (repechage) and introduced the new Windows 7.
Here you have explanation of “repechage” posted by Merriam-Webster :
Word: “re•pe•chage”, noun \ˌre-pə-ˈshäzh, ˈre-pə-ˌ\
Definition of REPECHAGE: : a trial heat (as in rowing) in which first-round losers are given another chance to qualify for the semifinals
Origin of REPECHAGE: French repêchage second chance, reexamination for a candidate who has failed, from repêcher to fish out, rescue, from re- + pêcher to fish, from Latin piscari — more at piscatory
From the origin of REPECHAGE, we find the direct connection with the Spanish word: “repesca”. “re + pêcher to fisch”. It is a word with Latin roots.
The Bible talks about the fishermen that in the first time that they went to the sea of Galilee, they didn’t cash at least a fish. And after, that Jesus went with the same men and ships to the sea and they caught more fishes that the capacity of the ships.
In summary, the best translation of “repesca” is “repechage”. In second term, the other term is: “retake”. Always it is “give a second chance of”.
But very important, “repesca” is not to capture a “fish” that escaped from the net. It is to take a second change to try to win that you didn’t win in the first opportunity.
This is the Wordreference about: repesca
URL: http://www.wordreference.com/es/en/translation.asp?spen=repe...
This is the URL of Merriam-Webster about repechage:
URL: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/repechage
I hope this analysis helps you in your work
Thank you,
21 hrs