Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

Arrastre (EEG)

English translation:

(photic) driving

Added to glossary by liz askew
Aug 12, 2010 17:57
14 yrs ago
14 viewers *
Spanish term

Arrastre (EEG)

Spanish to English Medical Medical (general)
Hello everyone,

I'm translating an EEG/Brain Mapping report (SP/MX > EN/US) and this particular use of "arrastre" is new to me. Here it is in context:

Respuesta a la estimulación auditiva: No hubo arrastre.

I am currently using "pulling" as "dragging" doesn't seem to apply here, but I don't feel very confident with "pulling" and can't seem to find a definition for this use of "arrastre" in the context of responses to auditory stimulation. Any ideas are greatly welcome.

Thanks in advance!

Proposed translations (English)
2 photic transmission
3 entrainment
Change log

Aug 20, 2010 14:58: Paul Grens changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/125863">Paul Grens's</a> old entry - "Arrastre (EEG)"" to ""photic transmission""

Aug 20, 2010 15:13: liz askew changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/125863">Paul Grens's</a> old entry - "Arrastre (EEG)"" to ""(photic) driving""


Gene Selkov Aug 23, 2010:
you get the wrong logic with "driving" You cannot say "no driving was observed", because driving is in the hands of the physician. That's what the stimulus does. Take another read of your source: "no hubo arrastre". Or better yet, "no hubo <blank>", then fill the blank. No stretch will allow you to fill it with "driving". It is the system's response that you have to name; the most common name for it is "entrainment".

Proposed translations

14 mins

photic transmission

# PDF]
Epilepsias fotosensibles del niño
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Fenómeno de arrastre (photic driving). Caracterizado porrit- .... Estímulos auditivos. Crisis epilépticas estimuladas por actividades complejas .... EEG tras estimulación luminosa intermitente. Respuesta fotopa- roxística. ... - Similar
# [PDF]
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Aspectos históricos del EEG (Fecha: Viernes 26 de. Enero). .... sensorial (auditiva): ∎Estímulos aislados o tonos permanentes en auriculares (40-80 dB). ... velocidad de arrastre). ∎Grafoelementos registrados en canales ... - Similar
Pagina nueva 1 -
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Son los electroencefalógrafos (EEG). Toman los datos por contacto de unos ... filtrar los estímulos auditivos externos por medio de la concentración y ... - Cached
Golpes Binaural
- [ Translate this page ]
Con respecto al arrastre, el estudio del rhythmicity proporciona .... con el uso a conducir auditivo del EEG humano por los estímulos complejos”. ... - Cached
La Casa de los Ángeles - Salud y bienestar
- [ Translate this page ]
... equipo de "EEG" (registrador de ondas cerebrales o electroencefalografo) ... Este efecto se denomino de "arrastre" o transmision fotica. ... Los sujetos expuestos a dicha estimulacion comunicaron reducciones ... fotica y auditiva, otros investigadores descubrian la existencia de la "sincronizacion" hemisferica. ... - Cached - Similar

Note added at 15 mins (2010-08-12 18:13:17 GMT)


I think that should be

photic driving

Trance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Eliciting the Photic Driving Response". American Journal of Electroneurodiagnostic Technology. Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 43–45. Von Gizycki, H. , Jean-Louis, G., ... - Cached - Similar
The photic driving EEG response and photoreactive cerebral blood ...
by B Diehl - 1998 - Cited by 13 - Related articles
Seventeen of the 50 subjects had both good and poor photic driving responses; 33 subjects had either only good (n=25) or only poor (n=8) photic driving ... - Similar
Photic driving in the early premature infant - Elsevier
by CM Anderson - 1984 - Cited by 6 - Related articles
Gestational age (weeks) Single flashes Photic driving No. .... These authors do not give the number of babies who showed photic driving 306 C.M. ANDERSON, ...
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kindly check this out.

Note added at 17 mins (2010-08-12 18:15:52 GMT)

Durante los anos 60 y 70 el neurocientifico Robert Monroe en su pequeno laboratorio de Virginia, USA, estudio el efecto de los sonidos en el cerebro y descubrio que podia producir realmente una transmision o "arrastre" de ondas cerebrales para frecuencias menores a 30 Hz.. Asi Monroe patento y postulo en 1975 que el cerebro resuena cuando se lo bombardea con ondas sonoras ritmicas y lo denomino "FFR" (Respuesta de seguimiento de frecuencias) similar al de arrastre fotico ya mencionado.

Note added at 20 mins (2010-08-12 18:18:14 GMT)

Light and Sound machines work by “entraining” your “brain waves”. In the 1930’s and 40’s, researchers discovered that strobing lights repetitively while someone watches (photic driving) caused the brain waves to follow and eventually adapt to the same frequency. This is called the frequency following response or “entraining”. Today’s mind machines have LED’s in a pair of goggles that flash or pulse at predetermined frequencies you can select (from 1-40 Hz, or cycles per second, generally). The LED’s come in many different colors and each color is said to produce different experiences.

Note added at 14 hrs (2010-08-13 08:18:32 GMT)

Brainwave entrainment was first identified in 1934, although its effects had been noted as early as Ptolemy.
Not long after the discovery of the Alpha brainwave by Hans Berger in 1929, researchers found that the strength of the wave could be "driven" beyond its natural frequency using flickering lights. This is called "Photic Driving", which is another word for brainwave entrainment using photic (light) stimulation. In 1942 Dempsey and Morison discovered that repetitive tactile stimulation could also produce entrainment and in 1959, Dr. Chatrian observed auditory entrainment in response to clicks at a frequency of 15 per second.
By the 1960s entrainment started to become a tool rather than a phenomenon of the brain. Anesthesiologist M.S. Sadove, MD, used photic stimulation to reduce the amount of anesthesia needed for surgery. Bernard Margolis published an article on brainwave entrainment used during dental procedures, noting less anesthesia required, less gagging, less bleeding and a general reduction in anxiety.

Note added at 14 hrs (2010-08-13 08:19:01 GMT)


photic driving

is correct too

Note added at 11 days (2010-08-24 07:42:39 GMT) Post-grading

I fail to see what is wrong with "there was no photic driving"

Promoting Human Creativity – Walonick » RapidBI-Mgt, Leadership ...
23 Mar 2010 ... During photic driving (entrainment), both hemispheres of the brain ... They are nonintrusive, and there is no conscious awareness of their presence. ... They used EEG biofeedback to teach people to enter the theta state. ... - Cached
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you so much for your help! Cheers, Paul"
1 hr


The closest thing I can think of when I hear "arrastre" and "estimulación" together.

Note added at 1 hr (2010-08-12 19:57:30 GMT)

Make it a 5:
Note from asker:
Thanks for your help, Gene. I think "driving" is more applicable here in terms of an EEG, though I agree with your point about "photic" in terms of auditory stimulation. Cheers! Paul
Peer comment(s):

neutral liz askew : = photic driving
12 hrs
Liz, what makes "photic" so appealing to you? The text says it was auditory.
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