Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

carritos mineros

English translation:

mining trolleys

Added to glossary by schmetterlich
Oct 13, 2011 22:57
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

carritos mineros

Spanish to English Tech/Engineering Mining & Minerals / Gems


1.1. Extraen el mineral a través de rampas y carritos mineros cuyo accionamiento es por baterías. El mineral es transportado hasta la zona de chancado por volquetes y/o carritos mineros

Proposed translations

2 mins

mining trolleys

Peer comment(s):

agree jmleger : I always heard that term.
2 mins
Thanks Jmleger
agree David Hollywood : wee bit faster and in agreement Rich :)
8 mins
Thanks David. Carts seems to get more hits than trolleys. I wonder it it's country-specific?
agree Emiliano Pantoja
37 mins
Thanks Emiliano
agree Benjamin A Flores
2 hrs
Thanks Benjamin
agree Luis Rey Ballesteros (Luiroi)
4 hrs
Thanks Luis
agree eski
1 day 4 hrs
Thanks Eski ;)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
4 mins

(mining) trolleys

Mining Trolley Manufacturers & Mining Trolley Suppliers Directory - Find a Mining Trolley Manufacturer and Supplier. Choose Quality Mining Trolley .
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1 min

mine carts

here you are some pictures:

Note added at 12 mins (2011-10-13 23:09:18 GMT)

this is the American English version
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18 hrs

mine/ore cars

Mine cars would be generic. In this case the test is specific as to its use, ergo 'ore cars'

These companies manufacture standard and custom sized ore cars for mining gold and other precious metals, including rocker type and side dump cars. - Similarto Manufacturers of ore cars for your lode or underground mining ...
ore cars
Originally posted by Raymond I have ore cars and track for sale. E-Mail me for prices.
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