Oct 3, 2000 18:11
24 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Spanish term

Dicen que el mate es una medicina muy buena contra los efectos de la altura.

Non-PRO Spanish to English Other
Cuando llegan los turistas a estas alturas tienen que descansar un poco.

Proposed translations

5 hrs

They say that this tea is very good to cambat the effects of the altitude.

This is a Paraguayan tea. Also known in English as mate (botanical term) Interesting aside - I first wondered if it weren't "la mota" instead of "el mate" because that''s Mexican slang for marijuana (which would also have the same effect). Anyway, it is el mate and it is taken as a tea. Good luck to you!
Peer comment(s):

Yolanda Broad
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13 hrs

Maté tea is said to be a very effective remedy for the effects of (high) altitude...

A nice bit of folklore (undoubtedly propagated by the maté growers and sellers!), with a grain of truth at its core.

Altitude sickness is a result of oxygen deprivation. For every 1000 feet above sea level, human being lose about 3% of their effective oxygen intake, because of the reduction in atmospheric pressure as the altitude increases. For instance, I live in a little mountain town, at an elevation of 6300 feet above sea level; therefore, my O2 intake here is about 18% less than it is down in the coastal flatlands. No wonder, then, that tourists visiting the Peruvian Andes (elev. approx. 12,000 feet ASL, with their O2 intake diminished by almost 40%) need to rest a bit!

Some of the chemical compounds in maté tea have a vasodilative effect; that is, they dilate the blood vessels, allowing the human organism to absorb a little more oxygen than before. So, yes, the tea could have a mildly palliative effect on O2 deprivation.....

Suerte, HC

Peer comment(s):

Yolanda Broad
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