Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

preocupación por estimarse

English translation:

concern over self-esteem

Added to glossary by Susana Galilea
Jun 5, 2003 04:02
21 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Spanish term

Preocupación por estimarse

Spanish to English Other
Appears in a list under the heading 'family welfare', general context is improving family relationships, personal growth:

Preocupación por estimarse, necesidad de cambio de mentalidad.

Proposed translations

22 mins

concern over self-esteem

guessing sintaxis se las trae!
Peer comment(s):

agree ACCURATE77 : Es verdad; ademas, la puntuacion esta mal usada. Por falta de mas contexto, la declaracion es algo vaga.
2 hrs
agree Michael Powers (PhD)
3 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 hr

too much preoccupation with self-esteem

Being new in this site, I haven't been able to read the rest of the text, but it sounds to me like a statement typical of families where susceptibilities run high, and people's self esteem is often eroded, hence the preoccupation
Peer comment(s):

agree Susana Galilea : serás nuevo, pero tienes buena puntería...bienvenido :)
34 mins
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4 hrs

improving self-esteem

or tackling low self-esteem, something along those lines.

my reading seems to be different from those above - I read this, in your context, as being about tackling some sort of problem, bringing about improvements - typically self -esteem is a problem when it is low.

does this make sense in your context?
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5 hrs

A lack of self-esteem

This is the most common way of expressing this in English, hope it helps!
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