Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Spanish term or phrase:
aquella que pudiesen server de ‘modelo’
English translation:
trying to choose a single 'model'
Spanish term
aquella que pudiesen server
Cuando examinamos las forma de individualismo existente en la sociedad Israeli, aquella que pudiesen server de ‘modelo’ para esta nueva era, encontramos un grave problema.
4 +2 | trying to choose a single ('model') |
James A. Walsh
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4 +1 | that (those) that/the one could be used as (as a model)... |
margaret caulfield
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Feb 22, 2010 18:50: James A. Walsh Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
trying to choose a single ('model')
Note added at 1 day23 hrs (2010-02-21 17:50:54 GMT)
Having just left a comment on Rachel's comment below, perhaps "trying to devise a single 'model'" would work better...?
If we examine the forms of individualism that exist in Israeli society [today], trying to choose a single 'model' for this new era poses a serious challenge.
agree |
Bubo Coroman (X)
: I think the first half of the sentence (up to "Israeli") is plural and the second singular, so your answer fits
12 hrs
Thanks Deborah :)
agree |
Rachel Spencer
: I'm not sure this is the meaning here. To me it sounds like the 'grave problema' is about to be articulated. The sub-clause between commas refers either to la soc. Israeli or la/s forma/s de indiv., which could perhaps be used/taken as a model..
1 day 18 hrs
Thanks Rachel. I'm reading this as the ‘grave problems’ will be encountered trying to devise a 'societal model' that will serve to accommodate all, regardless of race, creed, political thinking, etc. Makes sense if you think about the situation there...
The problem comes with "aquella" or "aquellas", but I think this should be singular since they're only talking about a model. Several models are not normally chosen for new era.
La reformulación de la frase propuesta por Aradai es correcta.
...las formaS de individualismo existenteS en la sociedad Israeli, aquellaS que pudiesen server de ‘modelo’
Espero que ahora esté más claro. Lamento no poder ayudarte con la traducción. Saludos!