Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Michael Powers (PhD)
Jul 26, 2004 10:52
20 yrs ago
5 viewers *
Spanish term


Spanish to English Social Sciences Real Estate
The context is:

La desamortización (venta de bienes de la iglesia y comunales), la liberación de la propiedad y el negocio de los inquilinatos: el hacinamiento de las ciudades, cerradas por cercas.

The text is about town planning in Spain in the 19th century. I know exactly what it's talking about (see definition below) but don't know what term to use in English (Land Reform?)

Proceso político y económico de larga duración en España (1766-1924), en el cual la acción estatal convirtió en bienes nacionales las propiedades y derechos que hasta entonces habían constituido el patrimonio amortizado (sustraído al mercado libre) de diversas entidades civiles y eclesiásticas para enajenarlos inmediatamente en favor de ciudadanos individuales.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 disendowment
4 +1 to disentail (verb)

Discussion Jul 26, 2004:
Sounds good. Thanks!
nothing Jul 26, 2004:
You could always say confiscation and sale, because that's what happened to those lands in Spain. It was not a general land reform, just a partial one. Jul 26, 2004:
'Enclosed' sounds good, as does 'disestablishment', which someone else suggested. But, as you say, the historical processes were not equivalent, and I think in the end I'll either just put 'Land Reforms' or leave the original with a short explanatory footnote.
nothing Jul 26, 2004:
I don't think there is an equivalent for both words. In the UK these two processes (Church and Common lands) took place at different times and in a different way. Church lands were confiscated by the Crown and sold. Commons were "enclosed" by landowners.

Proposed translations

8 mins
Spanish term (edited): desamortizaci�n


Alcaraz Varó and Hughes. Diccionario de términos jurídicos.

"desamortizar: disendow ..."

Disendowment definition of Disendowment. What is Disendowment? ...
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Mike :)
Peer comment(s):

agree Margarita Palatnik (X)
1 hr
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Many thanks!"
6 mins
Spanish term (edited): desamortizaci�n

to disentail (verb)

This is the translation I found in Termium. Here you have the definition: To break the entail of an entailed estate. (Ballentine, p. 355) OR
Dejar libres los bienes amortizados.
A couple of times, though, some translations I have found in Termium have been contested by some colleagues, so please check it just in case.
Peer comment(s):

neutral nothing : Those lands were not just disentail, but confiscated and sold. On the other hand, the land of the gentry was not affected by the law and remained entailed much longer
6 mins
That's why I said "check it". I'm not saying it's right, I'm just helping with a definition I found in Termium.
agree KirstyMacC (X) : Disentailment = untying of a land settlement. Also in Butterworth's SPA>ENG law dict. - not infallible, either, though does fit the context. Entails/estate tails were abolised by the UK Law of Property 1925 and can 'subsist only in equity under a trust'.
2 hrs
Thank you. Property Law is not my expertise; that's why I suggested with reservations. In Law you never know.
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