Feb 5, 2007 18:07
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Swedish term
Swedish to English
Industrial safety/security
Sentence given:
"Med kris menas här en för XYZ AB svår situation som uppstått på grund av
allvarlig personskada, arbetskonflikt, bedrägeri, bojkott, bombning, mediedrev, allvarlig miljöolycka, ..."
"Med kris menas här en för XYZ AB svår situation som uppstått på grund av
allvarlig personskada, arbetskonflikt, bedrägeri, bojkott, bombning, mediedrev, allvarlig miljöolycka, ..."
Proposed translations
4 +1 | media hype |
Hanne Rask Sonderborg
![]() |
3 +1 | media attention |
Madeleine MacRae Klintebo
![]() |
Proposed translations
1 hr
media hype
"media hype" or just "hype".
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you for your help. This was the most appropriate translation in the context."
1 hr
media attention
This could be a possibility. However, at the back of my head (the area marked vacum) I think there are slightly more negative expressions which might fit your text better.
Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-05 20:05:40 GMT)
"negative" might be added but it makes the phrase a bit long
"negative media campaign" is also a bit long, but it's possibly the best interpretation (ask former "statssekreterare" Lars Danielsson)
Note added at 1 hr (2007-02-05 20:05:40 GMT)
"negative" might be added but it makes the phrase a bit long
"negative media campaign" is also a bit long, but it's possibly the best interpretation (ask former "statssekreterare" Lars Danielsson)
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Anna Klotz
: Since "drev" originally refers to how a single animal is hunted by several dogs and humans, it is definitely not a positive kind of attention...
17 hrs
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