Jun 23, 2010 15:51
14 yrs ago
Ukrainian term
скріпити печаткою на кресленнях проекту
Ukrainian to English
Law: Contract(s)
скріпити підписом на кресленнях проекту
Внесення корегувань і змін в дизайн-проект скріплюється на кресленнях дизайн-проекту підписами “Виконавця” та “Замовника” (уповноваженої особи).
Перевела так: Making of corrections and changes in the designing project is confirmed by “Executor’s” and “Customer’s” (authorized representative’s) signatures on the schemes of the designing project
Перевела так: Making of corrections and changes in the designing project is confirmed by “Executor’s” and “Customer’s” (authorized representative’s) signatures on the schemes of the designing project
Proposed translations
4 +2 | affix the seal (the signature) to the project drawings |
Angela Greenfield
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3 | the design drawings shall be stamped and signed |
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Proposed translations
19 mins
affix the seal (the signature) to the project drawings
Corrections and modifications of the (interior) design project shall be approved (endorsed) by affixing the Contractor's and the Customer's (their authorized representative's) signatures to the project's drawings.
А ще краще: The Contractor and the Customer (their authorized representative) shall approve all corrections and modifications to the design project by way of affixing their signatures to the design drawings.
I don not recommend to use "Executor" in the meaning of "виконавець контракту", since it has a different meaning.
А ще краще: The Contractor and the Customer (their authorized representative) shall approve all corrections and modifications to the design project by way of affixing their signatures to the design drawings.
I don not recommend to use "Executor" in the meaning of "виконавець контракту", since it has a different meaning.
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20 mins
the design drawings shall be stamped and signed
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