Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Urdu term or phrase:
Dutch translation:
Urdu term
Weet iemand wat 'Vakil' in het Urdu betekent?
Groet, Nina
4 | regent | Marian Pyritz |
4 +1 | lawyer | Miriam Linschoten, PhD (X) |
2 | Information (not for points) | Melanie Nassar |
Apr 22, 2005 16:58: Marian Pyritz changed "Field (specific)" from "Other" to "Linguistics"
Proposed translations
...Koning Karim Khan liet zich Vakil (regent) noemen...
Note added at 14 hrs 22 mins (2004-06-21 08:28:46 GMT) Post-grading
Na het lezen van de informatie van Armaat en deze internetreferentie:
\"Islam: Het huwelijk is een zuiver burgelijke handeling. De huwelijksovereenkomst wordt tussen de bruidegom en de voogd van de bruid gesloten. De voogd moet wel eerst de toestemming van de bruid krijgen...\"
zou ik het voorstel \"regent\" graag willen veranderen in \"voogd\".
Noun: lawyer, attorney; counsel, counsellor; jurist, legist, civilisan, pundit, publicist, juris consult, legal adviser, advocate; barrister, barrister at law; King's or Queen's counsel; K.C.; Q.C.; silk gown, leader, sergeant-at-law, bencher; tubman, judge &c. 967. bar, legal profession; gentleman of the long robe; junior bar, outer bar, inner bar; equity draftsman, conveyancer, pleader, special pleader. solicitor, proctor; notary, notary public; scrivener, cursitor; writer, writer to the signet; S.S.C.; limb of the law; pettifogger; vakil.
Verb: practice at the bar, practice within the bar; plead; call to the bar, be called to the bar, be called within the bar; take silk.
Adjective: learned in the law; at the bar; forensic.
Phrase: banco regis.
Note added at 12 mins (2004-06-20 18:18:51 GMT)
Zoals je ziet zijn er een heleboel betekenissen in het Engels. Kies maar wat het best in je tekst past.
agree |
Adela Van Gils
: Spreek jij Urdu? Wat knap.
1 hr
Nee, maar ik kan wel met Google werken!
Information (not for points)
Urdu has many words taken directly from Arabic. See this article about Muslim marriages in India
>>when the barat with the bridegroom arrives at the bride's house and her vakil( who usually an elderly relative), in the presence of two witnesses, obtains the consent of the bridegroom to the contracting of the marriage. He then informs the parents or guardians of both the parties. The qazi then reads khutbah after obtaining the acceptance by the bride through the vakil and the witnesses and the ceremony is over. <<
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