Translation glossary: DA GB

Showing entries 151-200 of 236
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og rådiga over vore boerand have control/possession of our property/estate 
Danish to English
om end åbne standarder fortsat ereven though open standards still are 
Danish to English
Omsaetningshastighederturnover rate 
Danish to English
OMSTYR(motor) reverse (relay) 
Danish to English
op tilup to 
Danish to English
Opgørelse af indkomstincome account/statement 
Danish to English
Danish to English
osteosyntesematr.osteosynthetic material / implant 
Danish to English
overbid ... med tæt på gane påbidhorizontal overbite.... deep bite w. intercuspidation close to the palate 
Danish to English
p.a.per annum 
Danish to English
påbudte og nødvendige afskrivninger og henlæggelserdue allowance being made for statutory and appropriate depreciation and provisions 
Danish to English
Danish to English
patbelob sfubelobpatient's amount, insurance's amount 
Danish to English
pekannødpecan nut 
Danish to English
Periodeafgraensningsposter<depends on balance sheet side> 
Danish to English
physiatrist clinicpsychiatric clinic 
Danish to English
piller mod haevelser, lykkepiller,pills for swelling, happy pills, 
Danish to English
Danish to English
Pr. d. 1.1.2007 skal fællesejebrøken udgøre 4%,As of the 1st of January 2007, the joint ownership percentage will be 4% 
Danish to English
Danish to English
protaminisereradminister protamine 
Danish to English
Pultiddækningstep flashing 
Danish to English
RDU fea 26 årregular diagnostic examination from the age of 26 years and up 
Danish to English
reallånhousing mortgage 
Danish to English
Registrering or sket[the company] is registered 
Danish to English
regnskabsklasse Baccounts class B 
Danish to English
rent skilsmisseparation of property in case of separation or divorce only 
Danish to English
rougineres facialtelevated facially 
Danish to English
Danish to English
Rtudg.interest expense(s) 
Danish to English
RygsøjleSpinal column 
Danish to English
sammenbid med forhøjet kontakt iocclusion with raised contacts 
Danish to English
samt recepter m.v., jfr. vedlagteincluding prescriptions etc. as stated in the included 
Danish to English
savesporsawing recesses 
Danish to English
SE-nr.Commercial Register No. 
Danish to English
sep. lave områdediscontinue -in the low range 
Danish to English
Ske.35,Form 35 
Danish to English
skopi med kapsel løsningscopy with capsule (camera) 
Danish to English
skriver ... aktier áDKK 500,000.00 (five hundred thousand Danish kronor nil øre) ... shares of 
Danish to English
skunkvaegjamb wall 
Norwegian to English
Slaedenthe sleigh 
Swedish to English
SLAP ... impingementSLAP lesion......... impingement 
Danish to English
soenthe sow 
Danish to English
soristsow grate / grate for sows 
Danish to English
springing af C4-5springing of C4-5 
Danish to English
står baginstigated/ was drawn up by/ is behind 
Danish to English
Stet P ... Cpulmonary stethoscopy ... cardiac stethoscopy 
Danish to English
Stk. 1.sec. 1 
Danish to English
Danish to English
Danish to English
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