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Source text - English Debt and Decay
The debt crisis was caused indirectly by the vast increase in the world price of oil in the early 1970s. In 1973, nations belonging to OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) decided that their main export was far too cheap. By 1974, the price of oil had quadrupled. The banks and other institutions of the North subsequently were awash with "petro-dollars": enormous revenues deposited in their accounts by rich oil exporters. In order to maximize their own profits, the banks were desperate to reinvest this windfall. They began a frenzied campaign, urging poorer nations to borrow huge sums of money at low interest rates. Made confident by the assurances of the bakers, many national elites agreed to borrow: they, too, needed money, both to cushion the effects of the oil price rise and to pay for grandiose "mega-projects" like huge dams and sophisticated armaments. Commercial bank loans to the Third World increased by 5o0 per cent from 1973 to 1980.
Translation - Spanish Deuda externa y deterioro económico
La crisis the la deuda externa fue causada indirectamente por el desmesurado aumento del precio mundial del precio a principios de la década de 1970. En 1973, las naciones de la OPEP (Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo) decidieron que el precio de su principal producto de exportación era demasiado bajo y en 1974, el precio del petróleo crudo se había cuadruplicado. Los bancos y otras instituciones financieras del norte estaban inundados de "petrodólares" por las ingentes ganancias que los ricos exportadores depositaban en sus cuentas. De ahí que paraobtener el máximo de beneficios, a su vez, querían invertir a toda costa estos fondos imprevistos. Entonces, lanzaron una frenética campaña, exhortando a las naciones más pobres a pedir préstamos por cuantiosas sumas de dinero a bajas tasas de interés. Confiando en las garantías ofrecidas por los banqueros, muchas oligarquías nacionales aceptaron la propuesta pues también necesitaban dinero para contrarrestar los efectos del aumento de precio del petróleo y financiar "megaproyectos", tales como la construcción de enormes represas hidroeléctricas y la adquisición de armamento sofisticado. Entre 1973 y 1980 los préstamos de los bancos comerciales al Tercer Mundo aumentaron un 500 por ciento.
Bilingual textbooks on Science, Mathematics and Language (Grades 3-7)
Theology and Religion
Academic reference works
Educational and Sunday School guides, Student books and resources
Biblical and/or doctrinal study guides
Devotional literature
Ecumenical literature
Video scripts
Psychology, self-actualization, parenting, marriage, counselling
Finance, accounting, annual reports
Marketing, brands, promotional literature
International trade, import/export documents
Travel and tourism
General business correspondence
Have also translated technical and user's manuals for governmental bodies and non-governmental organizations; construction specifications and budgets; medical abstracts; employee handbooks; safety instructions; and educational/methodological texts.
Sociedades Bíblicas
Harper-Collins, USA
Editorial Vida, Miami, FL, USA
Gospel Publishing House, Springfield, MO, USA
Judson Press
ECLOF, World Council of Churches, Switzerland
Methodist Church, Uruguay and UMC-Volunteeers in Mission, USA
CLAVES, social NGO, Uruguay
Editorial LOGOI, Miami, FL, USA
Optimo Finance, Norway
INIA - National Institute of Agronomic Research
Ministerio del Interior (Ministry of Home Affairs) - Drug Enforcement Agency
Sanofi-Aventis (Pharmaceuticals)
World Hospital Fellowship, South Africa
Referrals upon request
Guyer & Regules (Leading law firm)
Barfod - Elof Hansson rep(Swedish Trading House)
University of Cambridge Local Examination Syndicate (UCLES)- Oral examiner
ELT and Teacher of English for Speakers of Other Languages
Keywords: business, marketing, annual reports, marketing, promotional literature, international trade, travel and tourism, construction, specifications, budgeting. See, marketing, annual reports, marketing, promotional literature, international trade, travel and tourism, construction, specifications, budgeting, social and development projects, civil works, hydroelectric plants, instruction manuals, handbooks, catering, cooking, comercio, negocios, economía, presupuestos, propaganda, internacional, viajes y turismo, memorias, construcción, proyectos, sociales y desarrollo, obras ingeniería civil, plantas hidroeléctricas, children, teenagers, students, teacher, niños, adolescentes, estudiantes, maestros, books, study guides, inspirational, estudios, bíblicos, devocionales, devocionarios, video scripts, guiones, educational resources, recursos, materiales, escuela, educación, self-help, autoayuda, self-actualization, fiction, ficción, teoría literaria, worldissues, globalization, globalización, evangelism, theology, ecumenism, evangelismo, evangelización, teología, ecumenismo, iglesias, outreach programmes, emerging churches, child rearing, parenting, psychology, sexuality, marriage, padres, psicología, matrimonio, educación sexual, sexualidad. See less.