Working languages:
English to Lithuanian

TRADOS expert

Kaunas, Lithuania, Lithuania
Local time: 14:52 EET (GMT+2)

Native in: Lithuanian 
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20 positive reviews
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I am professional native Lithuanian translator/interpreter, having solid technical background achieved in Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania). Since 2004 I have been devoting myself to mastering my knowledge of languages to provide professional translation services. I mainly specialize in translations of various technical (user manuals, engineering, electronics, IT, computer science etc.) and medical texts (special focus on medical instruments). My main advantages compared to other translators are mobility and instant accessibility. You can reach me any time, and I am able to send and receive large files even while on the move. Only please check my local time, shown in this profile. I might be sleeping :-)

This user has earned KudoZ points by helping other translators with PRO-level terms. Click point total(s) to see term translations provided.

Total pts earned: 639
PRO-level pts: 627

Top languages (PRO)
English to Lithuanian532
Lithuanian to English84
Russian to English11
Top general fields (PRO)
Pts in 4 more flds >
Top specific fields (PRO)
Law (general)52
Law: Contract(s)48
Finance (general)38
Medical (general)35
Mechanics / Mech Engineering32
Construction / Civil Engineering28
Pts in 41 more flds >

See all points earned >
Keywords: Localization, software, hardware, fast service and quality, professional translations, English to Lithuanian, electronics, technical translations, accuracy, adherence to terms. See more.Localization, software, hardware, fast service and quality, professional translations, English to Lithuanian, electronics, technical translations, accuracy, adherence to terms, advertising, law, advertisement, agreements, agreements, agricultural, agriculture, appliances, automotive, bids, brochures, business, cars, certificates, certification, claims, client, clients, clinical, commercial, communications, companies, company, compliance, computer, computers, confidential, confidentiality, construction, consumer, contents, contracts, deadlines, degree, demanding, device, directly, document, documents, ecology, e-Commerce, economics, , electronics, engine, engines, engineering, English, English-Lithuanian, environmental, equipment, equipment, EU, experience, fast, fax, finance, financial, flexibility, fluent, food, foreign, forestry, freelance, free-lance, freelancer, Government, graphic, GSM, GUI, hardware, help, household, incorporation, industry, info, information, institutions, instructions, Instruments, insurance, intellectual, international, IT, kalbos, knowledge, labels, language, latest, law, legal, legislation, literature, Lithuanian, localization, machine, machinery, manual, manuals, marketing, professional, mech, mechanical, mechanics, medical, medicine, messengers, military, mobile, needed, needs, networking, notary, notifications, objectives, official, pharmacy, phone, phones, political, politics, possibility, practical, printer, printers, professional, project, projects, property, protection, quality, reasonable, reasons, references, regulations, reliable, reports, requirements, rights, safety, scanner, securities, security, server, service, software, solutions, state, strict, strictly, support, support, supreme, systems, technical, technology, telecommunications, tenders, texts, tomography, tools, translate, translation, translations, reliability, translator, transport, trials, truck, trucks, understand, university, version, vertėjas, vertimai, website, web-site, word, words, work, TRADOS Studio Lithuanian, English, English Lithuanian, security systems, economics, law business, legal documents, financial accounts, fast service, company incorporation contracts, software localization, English Lithuanian, TRADOS Studio 2009, legal texts, localization, fast and reliable, translations, English Lithuanian, Lithuanian English, Lithuanian technical translator, Lithuanian translations, Translation Lithuanian to English, translator English to Lithuanian, translate to Lithuanian document, translate to Lithuanian manual, translate to Lithuanian operation manual, translate to Lithuanian user’s guide, translate to Lithuanian technical document, translate to Lithuanian operational manual, proofreading, proofreader Lithuanian, editing, vertimai iš į anglų kalbą.. See less.

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