Can my language pair be saved for future glossary entries?
Thread poster: Gina W
Gina W
Gina W
United States
Local time: 22:49
Member (2003)
French to English
May 12, 2008


I have been wondering if it might be possible to save certain settings - in particular source and target languages - when I make entries to My Glossary. I normally only enter terms from French into English, so if this could be already set to this language pair (similar to the way the Term Search has default settings), it would make my individual entries much easier. I don't enter a lot of entries but do enter some here and there, but perhaps others who also make in
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I have been wondering if it might be possible to save certain settings - in particular source and target languages - when I make entries to My Glossary. I normally only enter terms from French into English, so if this could be already set to this language pair (similar to the way the Term Search has default settings), it would make my individual entries much easier. I don't enter a lot of entries but do enter some here and there, but perhaps others who also make individual glossary entries might find this useful as well.

Please let me know what you think. I welcome respectful responses/comments from other members and users, and also would be interested to hear from a member of the Site Staff. Thanks.

Susan Welsh
Susan Welsh  Identity Verified
United States
Local time: 22:49
Russian to English
+ ...
I agree May 12, 2008

It would definitely save time, and wear-and-tear on those of us who have musculo-skeletal "issues" with using the mouse a lot. I mentioned the idea in a support ticket awhile back, but the reply I got dealt with another issue, and didn't say anything about that.

Ritu Bhanot
Ritu Bhanot  Identity Verified
French to Hindi
+ ...
+ 2 May 12, 2008

It would be really nice. I don't think it'll be too difficult to implement... or maybe I'm wrong?

Dylan Edwards
Dylan Edwards  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:49
Greek to English
+ ...
Good idea May 12, 2008

It would save time. Like you, I make glossary entries just now and then. I entered quite a lot, a year or two ago. There are two main language pairs in my glossaries. It's rather tedious having to specify the languages each time.

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 23:49
Sounds good May 12, 2008

Hello all,

Thanks for the idea, gad. I will see about saving this information in the Glossary entry form and get back to you.

Best regards,


Nikki Graham
Nikki Graham  Identity Verified
United Kingdom
Local time: 03:49
Spanish to English
I was wondering this too May 13, 2008

I recently entered a few terms and found it mildly annoying that I had to scroll through a long list of languages when I normally only enter Spanish to English, so great idea and thanks for considering it Jared.

Gina W
Gina W
United States
Local time: 22:49
Member (2003)
French to English
Thank you for your replies May 13, 2008

Thank you Susan, Ritu, Dylan and Nikki for your input on this. Thank you, Jared, for looking into this. I think this will make things easier for all of us.:)

Jared Tabor
Jared Tabor
Local time: 23:49
Should be working now May 14, 2008

Hello again,

Okay, this should be working fine now. At , once you've entered a source and target language, the form should save the languages until you change them. Let me know if you notice any problems.

Best regards,


Gina W
Gina W
United States
Local time: 22:49
Member (2003)
French to English
Thanks, Jared! May 14, 2008

I'll give it a try.:)


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Can my language pair be saved for future glossary entries?

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