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Powwow: near Toulouse - France

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Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
German to English
+ ...
La Brunié Apr 28, 2007

I've posted an old photo of La Brunié on the page of the last powwow Toulousain (I can't seem to post it here)

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 06:30
French to English
+ ...
Possible lift offered Apr 29, 2007

Always on the assumption that I can make it, I would be travelling down the A20 to Toulouse from Limousin, and could probably give a lift to anyone who could either be picked up en route, or come down as far as my place to meet me.

firewalk (X)
firewalk (X)
Local time: 06:30
american indian May 3, 2007

i do american indian cermonys in luxembourg
[email protected]

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
German to English
+ ...
clarification May 10, 2007

I'm hearing more and more about people wanting to bring their husbands/wives/significant others/children to the powwow - there is a statement by Henry on powwow etiquette (to which I heartily subscribe) saying - in a nutshell - "all are welcome"
I just need to know about numbers in good time. If there are enough (and not more than 20!) children, I'll ask the local farmer to show them the farm.
I'll publish more notes closer to the time...

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
German to English
+ ...
powwow "rules" May 10, 2007

the link to Henry's statement is:

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 06:30
French to English
+ ...
Car worries Jun 2, 2007

I've had to downgrade my attendance to 'Maybe' — sorry, Rod!

My car is poorly, and I don't think I can afford to either get it repaired in time for next weekend, or hire a replacement.

I'll see what I can do, but don't count on me!

Rebekka Groß (X)
Rebekka Groß (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 05:30
English to German Regional Conference in Aix-en-Provence Jun 5, 2007

Dear All

Rod has kindly given me permission to promote the regional conference taking place from 2 - 4 November 2007 in Aix-en-Provence on this powwow site.

You may have received the mailing announcing the conference two weeks ago and/or seen my posts in the Events and Announcements forum.

Today, I was delighted to have some more news: We have finalised the venue and the conference will take place at the 4-star Aquabella hotel in Aix. The actual c
... See more
Dear All

Rod has kindly given me permission to promote the regional conference taking place from 2 - 4 November 2007 in Aix-en-Provence on this powwow site.

You may have received the mailing announcing the conference two weeks ago and/or seen my posts in the Events and Announcements forum.

Today, I was delighted to have some more news: We have finalised the venue and the conference will take place at the 4-star Aquabella hotel in Aix. The actual conference will take place on Friday 2nd and Saturday 3rd while Sunday 4th is reserved for two full-day CAT tool training sessions. For further information please see the conference website at

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in touch via the conference forum at or by e-mail at [email protected]

Please spread the word about the conference and hope to meet some of you there

Best regards

Rebekka Conference Planning and Development

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 06:30
French to English
+ ...
Definitely can't make it now Jun 5, 2007

Sorry, folks (and our hosts in particular!), but I cannot solve my transport problems in time to make it down.

Hope you all have a wonderful time!

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
German to English
+ ...
@ Tony Jun 7, 2007

very sorry you can't make it, Tony, I was looking forward to meeting you: perhaps you could tempt us all to come to a powwow in, say, Brive?

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 06:30
French to English
+ ...
Funny you should say that... Jun 7, 2007

As a matter of fact, I'm trying to sound out interest for holding one somewhere up this way; see:

Please join that list, anyone who thinks they might be interested in a central location?

B D Finch
B D Finch  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:30
French to English
+ ...
Vegetarians Jun 7, 2007

Should I bring some tofu sausages or whatever non-meat food our local bio-coop has on offer?

Attila Piróth
Attila Piróth  Identity Verified
Local time: 06:30
English to Hungarian
+ ...
May be a bit late Jun 7, 2007

Coming from Bordeaux and stopping in Toulouse, I will probably arrive in the (hopefully very) early afternoon.

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
German to English
+ ...
last call Jun 8, 2007

@ Tony: um, I saw the 19 / 24 headline, but, still being a bit hazy on dépt. numbers (I just commute between 81 and 31), I hadn't had a proper look... I'll get back on that one.

@ BDF: no need, we have quite a few vegetarian friends and are always on the qv!

@ Mark, Olaf: sorry to "lose" you. However, we have already thought about making the La Brunié powwow an annual event (assuming prozians like it here).

@ Attila: no worries - the Germans have a saying
... See more
@ Tony: um, I saw the 19 / 24 headline, but, still being a bit hazy on dépt. numbers (I just commute between 81 and 31), I hadn't had a proper look... I'll get back on that one.

@ BDF: no need, we have quite a few vegetarian friends and are always on the qv!

@ Mark, Olaf: sorry to "lose" you. However, we have already thought about making the La Brunié powwow an annual event (assuming prozians like it here).

@ Attila: no worries - the Germans have a saying about "the later the hour, the more welcome the guest"!

@ all parents: I should warn you La Brunié will never get a licence as a "Kindergarten". Nature is indeed "red in tooth and claw" here, as Tennyson would have said in view of all the long grass, nettles, thistles... seriously, trousers and "sensible walking shoes" or boots might be a good idea for romping about on the estate, but the other "dangers" are relatively harmless and will be pointed out.

@ all attendees: well, right now the méteo is looking extremely good (sunshine, 29°), but do have a plan B just in case...

OK, looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Tony M
Tony M
Local time: 06:30
French to English
+ ...

Just wanted to say that I hope you all have a super time, I shall be with you in spirit, and I'm really gutted at not being able to make it to what would have been my first-ever P-W!

Cheers, everyone!

Rod Darby (X)
Rod Darby (X)  Identity Verified
Local time: 04:30
German to English
+ ...
report Jun 11, 2007

@ all: still waiting for a chance to enter my report (attendance already recorded). We loved having you all here on Saturday and are looking forward to seeing you again soon!

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Powwow: near Toulouse - France

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