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Record number of disagrees in one day
Thread poster: Fred Neild (X)
Gina W
Gina W
United States
Local time: 11:39
Member (2003)
French to English
Interesting suggestion Jan 7, 2006

Fred Neild wrote:

Maybe an alert should be triggered so that moderators are warned when a member gets 10 disagrees in one day (I haven't counted them).
This would avoid professional translators getting angry and expelled from the site because some amateur gets carried away.
Sometimes it is unbelievable. We all make mistakes but, come on... KudoZ may be a game (I don't know) but for members knowledgeable in specific pairs and subjects according to KudoZ rules, right?

I would also say that disagrees could be counted by individual member, but not just in one day. For example, for someone who posts mostly "disagrees", well then perhaps that person could be encouraged to post some "agrees" - at least an equivalent amount, for sure. Some people actually do disagree more than they agree. It's really not that constructive, and it has the potential to make others a bit suspect of that person's input. I mean, does a chronic disagre-er think that MOST of the answers given on KudoZ are SO wrong that they merit a disagree (and not even a neutral)? If so, why frequent the site then? Or at least, why not add something much more constructive - like an alternative answer instead of just disagreeing with answers, for instance? And just because a member thinks that s/he is an expert does not make that so, of course.

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Record number of disagrees in one day

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