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Word Counting Packages - your experiences?
Thread poster: Alex Eames
Richard Walker
Richard Walker
Local time: 08:05
Japanese to English
Beware PractiCount and Asian languages Feb 8, 2006

I bought and used PractiCount for a while, but had to give it up after my clients started complaining. I translate from Japanese to English and it was counting Japanese characters twice (apparently because they are double byte). I was overjoyed with the results, but the people receiving invoices were less enthusiastic.

I found it rather slow too.

Now I just use some home-brewed VBA code to take care of the counting. It's quicker and I know how the results are derived so
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I bought and used PractiCount for a while, but had to give it up after my clients started complaining. I translate from Japanese to English and it was counting Japanese characters twice (apparently because they are double byte). I was overjoyed with the results, but the people receiving invoices were less enthusiastic.

I found it rather slow too.

Now I just use some home-brewed VBA code to take care of the counting. It's quicker and I know how the results are derived so I have an easier time defending them to clients.

George Inndo (X)
George Inndo (X)
Local time: 02:05
English to Hebrew
You can try also FineCount Mar 5, 2006

You find the software here:

Uldis Liepkalns
Uldis Liepkalns  Identity Verified
Local time: 02:05
Member (2003)
English to Latvian
+ ...
I have to say I still use Mar 6, 2006

Practicount 2.08 and it has only one bug- whatever the starting folder, it asks for diskette. Have to click "Cancel" every time I get it started. But that's the only bug. It counts also textboxes, headers, footers, numbers and like according to your settings. It doesn't count words in Visio artwork tables, but then we add that manually.

We don't use it for repetition count (there is Trados, isn't there- and all clients ask for Trados analyzes, not Practicount, Finecount or Whateverc
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Practicount 2.08 and it has only one bug- whatever the starting folder, it asks for diskette. Have to click "Cancel" every time I get it started. But that's the only bug. It counts also textboxes, headers, footers, numbers and like according to your settings. It doesn't count words in Visio artwork tables, but then we add that manually.

We don't use it for repetition count (there is Trados, isn't there- and all clients ask for Trados analyzes, not Practicount, Finecount or Whatevercount analyzes). We haven't upgraded to version 3 as it costs additional money for features we really don't need (invoice creating and like- we have separate software for that).

But I have not encountered any "Type Mismatch" error in my Practicount version.

But yes, of course, you should check your needs before choosing the software, however, I'm afraid that choosing one by criteria that it counts twice as much words as Word, will not go down very well with your clients


Isabelle35 wrote:

You can count complicated word files with embedded Word Art or Diagrams, which normal ms word is not counting.
And there is also one new feature. You a nice feature: possibility to make profiles and specify counting settings for each of your clients.

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Word Counting Packages - your experiences?

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