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Is it ethical to give away your TMs to agencies?
Thread poster: Tom in London
Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
Absolute vs personal ethics Mar 30, 2020

Because there is only one way to see the world (and it's mine).

I thought a translator, who is constantly in contact with cultural and language differences, would know better.

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:04
Member (2008)
Italian to English
WHAT? Mar 30, 2020

The Misha wrote:

Why agitate for that "World revolution"?

Amazing, I was not aware that I was doing that. Anyway - how are things up there on Mars today?

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:04
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Interesting. Mar 30, 2020

Jean Dimitriadis wrote:

Because there is only one way to see the world (and it's mine).

I thought a translator, who is constantly in contact with cultural and language differences, would know better.

Interesting. Any other thoughts you'd like to share?

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
  Mar 30, 2020

Personally, I am against property, intellectual or otherwise.

But I don't seek to apply this worldview to my professional dealings. I just expect to get paid in exchange for my intellectual work.

In practice, when my own general conditions apply, "translations remain the property of the Service Provider until payment has been received in full", as per the terms recommended by the SFT.

This applies to the final document and any bilingual texts.

... See more
Personally, I am against property, intellectual or otherwise.

But I don't seek to apply this worldview to my professional dealings. I just expect to get paid in exchange for my intellectual work.

In practice, when my own general conditions apply, "translations remain the property of the Service Provider until payment has been received in full", as per the terms recommended by the SFT.

This applies to the final document and any bilingual texts.

[Edited at 2020-03-30 15:06 GMT]

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:04
Member (2008)
Italian to English
Interesting... Mar 30, 2020

Jean Dimitriadis wrote:

Personally, I am against property, intellectual or otherwise.

But I don't seek to apply this worldview in my professional dealings. I just expect to get paid in exchange for my intellectual work.

In practice, when my own general conditions apply, "translations remain the property of the Service Provider until payment has been received in full", as per the terms recommended by the SFT.

This applies to the final document and any bilingual texts.

Interesting. Would you be able to provide a link to the terms recommended by the SFT?

Jean Dimitriadis
Jean Dimitriadis  Identity Verified
English to French
+ ...
General Terms of Sale recommended by the SFT Mar 30, 2020

Tom in London
Tom in London
United Kingdom
Local time: 13:04
Member (2008)
Italian to English
TX Mar 30, 2020

Many thanks.

Viesturs Lacis
Viesturs Lacis  Identity Verified
Local time: 15:04
English to Latvian
Mar 30, 2020

If whoever is making decisions on the use of technology decides to push the envelope and cut corners due to political, managerial, financial or similar considerations, it would be asinine to blame the ensuing disaster on the technology itself. Not that the use or avoidance of CAT tools is in any way comparable to the magnitude of risk involved in high-performance flight, in any case.

Anton Konashenok
Anton Konashenok  Identity Verified
Czech Republic
Local time: 14:04
French to English
+ ...
TMs should be as personal as toothbrushes Mar 30, 2020

Some agencies are incorporating our translations into their own big TMs, and at least one translation industry association, may it remain nameless, has been creating a huge database from its member agencies' TMs. We cannot prohibit them to do so, but in my experience, such TMs will only benefit "translation mills" that don't care much about quality. My observations are based on the pretranslated segments I have been receiving from my clients. I recognized some of them as clearly mine, the rest w... See more
Some agencies are incorporating our translations into their own big TMs, and at least one translation industry association, may it remain nameless, has been creating a huge database from its member agencies' TMs. We cannot prohibit them to do so, but in my experience, such TMs will only benefit "translation mills" that don't care much about quality. My observations are based on the pretranslated segments I have been receiving from my clients. I recognized some of them as clearly mine, the rest were by other translators, and this is exactly where the problem is. Most agencies take translations by many different linguists and indiscriminately merge them into one big TM without verification and reconciliation. As a result, they get a TM of unpredictable quality (or, shall I say, of the quality corresponding to the worst translations in their pool), plus lots of terminological and stylistic mismatches. Typically, when I receive a job with pretranslated segments from an agency's TM, I see that most 90% or even 100% matches need to be rewritten anyway. Unfortunately, my less diligent colleagues keep reusing these segments without thinking, thus perpetuating the poor-quality translations. Worse yet, some agencies feel that having such a TM will empower them to hire non-native translators. Effectively, an indiscriminate use of these big TMs generates the same kind of garbage as Google Translate and other MT systems trained on a large pool of unverified parallel texts.Collapse

Chris Says Bye
Maurits Meulenbelt
Christine Andersen
Ethics? Mar 30, 2020

Why is it unethical? What have ethics got to do with this?

The reality is that clients have always been able to recycle your translations and always will be.

If you don’t like it, don’t use CAT or work with direct clients.

Anyway, Tom, I thought your position was “CAT over my dead body”? Desperate times?

Joe France
Christine Andersen
Milan Condak
Milan Condak  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:04
English to Czech
All data on the web can be crawled Mar 30, 2020

All people "google" (search links), some use MT a and some use public data in own computer.

All data on the web can be crawled and used for machine translation.

Is it ethical that you have available twice more free data in your IT-EN pair than me in my pair EN-CS?
... See more
All people "google" (search links), some use MT a and some use public data in own computer.

All data on the web can be crawled and used for machine translation.

Is it ethical that you have available twice more free data in your IT-EN pair than me in my pair EN-CS?

sentences Size of zipped TMX Unzipped TMX

Italian 31,518 BICLEANER.TXT 3.2GB ?? (you can download and unzip)
Czech 14,335 BICLEANER.TXT 1.3GB 9,0 GB (I can make concordance search in TMX.)

Is it ethical that I have old PC and creating MT engine from small TMX for Polish-Czech pair (pl-cs-paracrawl-2019) took me 24 hours?

Milan from Petřvald

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Is it ethical to give away your TMs to agencies?

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