Powwow Report for Portugal - Lisbon (Jun 4 2016)

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Report from  Anderson Antunes
We had a lovely afternoon. Nine people showed up to meeting. Despite none of us knew each other, we could connect and talk to each other very quickly. It was such a good experience I’m thinking about holding another Powoww soon, probably in September.
I heard some of my colleagues got inspired to do the same. One of them is thinking about holding a powwow event in Costa de Caparica. I hope she’ll do it, because I most certainly will attend her event.

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Anna Philippova
Maria Perry
Gianmarco Catacchio
Patrícia Encarnação
Helena Almeida
Richard Purdom
Anderson Antunes
David Cabrita

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